Location: India

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Harry Potter


The Hogwarts Redemption.


Krishna Chaitanya

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This document is no way related to JK Rowling's seventh book, this how the book looks like if i was allowed to write 7th book.


“You can’t do this to me! I mean to your self...” A cold voice pleaded to the person leaned to the wall at the other end of the cave, his voice echoing across the cave.

He never thought someone will know about this place and wait for him to attack.

But, the unimaginable happened, he could not believe even if there was evidence before his eyes.

“Look, I can help you, I can make you free, and we both will work together” the weak cold voice is trying to negotiate for a deal.

After all his options are out, lost his wand, hit by a couple of curses, missed killing curse by a hair, and finally in a shock after he came to know who his attacker was.

“Enough!!” Blurted the person with a wand pointing to the weak shaky “Voldemort”

“You are mad you are killing yourself” cried loudly.

“Yes, Voldemort is true...But he has to do this, he has to co-operate with him”. He told himself.

He has to do it. He knows the pain...but no option.

He pointed the wand and shouted aloud in a cruel voice “Avada Kedavara”, but this time he is not in his control, he can see what is happening but he can’t stop it. He is acting through the body of the one who is controlling him.

The curse hit straight at voldemort and there is no movement in his body...his pale snake like eyes stare blankly at the roof. His eyes show no sign of life. Confirming voldemort’s death, He said to himself, but this time, it’s not the spirit which killed voldemort, it’s the wizard who is controlling it.

“How could the entire world react if they come to know that the dark lord was vanquished by me” his ambition reflected in his tone.

“How pale their faces will become when they come to know how the dark lord has been conquered and more powerful dark lord is about to rise.”

He wants to tell the entire magical world what he has done it, but not now

“Lot of Work needs to be done, no time for celebrations”

He left the cave with the body.


Miles away.... Harry potter was in a state of turmoil for almost an hour in his bed. Don’t know what is happening inside his brain

He just can’t gather his thoughts and think. He is in a state of confusion.

As the day progressed, he gained control of his mind. he didn’t understand what happened to him,

The scar didn’t burn, so its not voldemort’s influence, “Then what is it?” he questioned himself.

He has been experiencing this for quite some time.

He kept away himself from his friends, not replying to their mails, decided not to go to Hogwarts again fearing whom he might loose this year.

Everyday he reminds himself of the revenge by looking at the dummy locket.

He also reads all his 6years books and few new magical articles subscriptions to prepare himself to chase the death eaters.

He knows that a few days studying magical articles will not be sufficient to face the ultimately wicked...but he can’t sit idle.

He has to avenge his parent’s death

He remember the conversation he had with Dudley’s family, He told them that he is planning to leave the house and asked them to keep it as a secret from weasley’s, Dudley’s were very happy and promised to keep it as a secret

Harry decided to leave the nest of protection, have to fight alone. It’s only the Voldemort and him, no Order of the Phoenix, No help from friends, their lives will be in grave danger if he involves them in his fight.

He already lost his God Father and Dumbledore for his foolishness and don’t want to loose any more. Snape is of least concern for him now, Only Voldemort is his target. On the contrary, he is learning a lot of dark arts from Snape’s potions book just to fight voldemort and practicing a lot of occulumency.

His only problem is where to start....? Where can he find voldemort. ? Where will be the other horcruces..? He needs this info before he can do anything. He knows of a magician who is capable of helping him in this daunting task, decided to contact him he picked up paper and pen and wrote a letter and mailed it through the owl. The only support he had in his mission is Sirius’s broom stick, dad’s money and invisible cloth.

He for sure know that in magical world there is a big fight going on ministry of magic and voldemort, because every day news papers are reporting unusual accidents and mysterious deaths and kidnappings.

But who has the upper hand is what Harry was not sure of. He is also very much interested in what happened to Snape? Whether ministry of magic is able to track him or not is another question that keeps him busy?


That day was dull and went off slowly, the other day early in the morning the owl came to the room with what appears to be a small packet and the owl was completely tired. Harry picked the package and kept the owl inside the cage and gave some worms to eat. He opened it and the package contains a stack of papers, he could identify the writing it is mad eye Moody’s reply. The letter goes as follows:

Dear Harry,

Hope you are alright,

Burn this letter once you read it, all wizard communication is being tapped by ministry and certainly won’t be happy abut the content I have written. This letter which you are reading is protected by an advanced magical encryption.

Things are very bad here. Ministry of magic is having tough time and entire Order members are fighting along with ministry with voldemort followers.

I feel that days are coming to an end for me, and no wonder this might be my last latter.

I am saying because, Voldemort followers have become a daily headache and I have been hit with paralyzing curses twice in my fight.

Political scenarios are hanging rapidly here, Ministry was able convince dementors to their side, But voldemort won the trust of giants and wizards from moboto (the rouge wizard group on earth). The good news is that we have killed two most important death eaters, this was the only progress ministry could make.

After all these happened, I must tell you a secret which has been discovered by ministry recently and I strongly feel that you must know about this, as you are one of the targets of voldemort

Voldemort has been using an ancient magic called Horcrux, to become immortal,

Horcrux is an object where a wizard can keep a part of his soul, to revive it later, very few wizards know about this technique and it appears that voldemort has made multiple horcruces for him, before he attacked you.

“I know it long back” Harry told himself and continued reading the letter

The horrible part which was recently discovered is, the piece of soul which is stored in the horcrux can be revived to full power and make it posses a dead body. I think you got the point I am trying to say.

Voldemort has started reviving all the horcruces one by one, ministry of magic does not know how many horcruces exists. Ministry is readying to hide this fact from public to avoid embarrassment, so you may not know hear about this in news papers.

There is no hint about what Snape is doing. I don’t have any information regarding that.

Regarding the questions you have asked, I understand your situation, I appreciate your fighting spirit, the revenge voldemort has flamed with in you, and the pain he inflicted on you. But, I strongly recommend you go to school and complete your formal education.

Malfoy’s wife is currently on the voldemort side, but I believe that she will change the side if ministry can offer release of her husband from Azkaban and protection for her family, this is a very secret message she sent to me, but I don’t want to put this proposal before ministry because, there are many voldemort followers with in the ministry that I fear her safety even before she could sabotage the fellow death eaters.

Regarding help you need to fight voldemort,

You currently have 2 months left for Hogwarts to begun, so you can utilize those 2 months in studying magic at Nalanda Gurukul in India, Kumara Gupta a friend of mine is currently professor there and is master in many branches of magic. I have written a letter to him about your current situation, and I feel he may help you out.

If you plan to go there write a letter to him, before you start and send letter by muggle mail and not via owls. Wizards in India don’t prefer owls but an entirely different mechanism which is new for us.

I have attached a recommendation letter and instructions for your travel and don’t write a reply for this, for the same reason I said above.

Also, one more thing to mention, India is relatively safe from voldemort because he don’t have any followers in that part of Asia, so any wizard whose is a follower of voldemort will have a tough time there. Don’t travel by apparation, you end up being in the hands of voldemort followers, use the muggle transport to go to India.

May your parents watch up on you.

- Alastar Moody

Harry’s face turned pale after reading that voldemort started reviving his horcruces to a human being, if Dumbledore’s assumption is right with two horcruces being destroyed, he has a total of 5 voldemorts to fight.

Even before he started his hunting, his enemy got 5 times stronger. The other startling fact is how the ministry came to know about horcrux, Dumbledore said only other than Harry and himself nobody knows about it. Did slughorn help the ministry regarding this, because slughorn is the one approached by voldemort for information about horcrux.

Amid all these happenings, moody’s letter did raise Harry’s spirits, he found a source of learning in the form of kumara Gupta, he decided instantly to travel and written a letter to kumara Gupta about his travel plans.

He has written a letter addressing weasely’s and granger about his plans to discontinue his studies and left the letter with Dudley’s family. Harry lied to Dudley’s about his travel to India, and told them that he is going to Hogwarts and asked them to give the letter to weasely’s if they come to pick him up.


Harry first went to gringotts bank, to collect his left over money given by his father, the bank has heavy security fearing attacks of voldemorts followers, he with drew all the money available and converted some to muggle money. He booked flight tickets to India, though he never traveled to India or any other country.

The next was the flight to India, he stayed at diagon alley for that night and next day morning he went to airport directly, the journey was good and he finally landed in New Delhi airport.

Moody’s instruction clearly said that Kumara Gupta will come to the airport to pick him.

He just walked with his luggage to the visitors gallery and it is very noisy and crowdy there, Harry started feeling nervous whether he can find kumara Gupta in that crowd or not.

He started scanning all the cards that are held by people in the lounge, he finally found a middle aged man in his 30’s holding a board with the name “Mr. Harry Potter” written on it. He approached that man and introduced himself.

“Hello, I am Harry potter”

“Hi Mr. Potter welcome to India” said the man in a weird English accent which he found difficult to understand.

“If I am not wrong, you are Mr. Kumara Gupta” questioned Harry

“I am sorry, I haven’t introduced my self, I am not kumara Gupta but his student Pala”

“I have been asked to escort you from Delhi to Nalanda Gurukul safely. hence I came here on my masters orders”

“So how far it takes to reach gurukul from here”

“Nearly 14 hours, first we will take a train and later we will travel for almost 3 kms in to the forest, from there we have secret passage to Nalanda gurukul.”

Suddenly a surge of interest gripped Harry, this is the second time he had chance to meet wizard from a different country after his fourth year tournament.

But this time the experience is different. He is going to visit a wizard school directly.

Pala took Harry direct to the station and bought few sandwiches for Harry to eat.

“First we will leave for Patna in this train in an hour and we will not roam around for your security and in accordance to guidelines set by ministry off magic, India, am I clear ?“ said pala with an assertive voice.

Harry nodded and ate the sandwiches.

Lot of questions are inside Harry’s mind now. He finally decided to ask them and asked

“Well, Mr. Pala I have one question”

“Sure, go ahead, but before you start, when you talk to elders here in India, you better add suffix -ji as a sign of respect, I don’t mind, but it definitely shows that you have respect to your elders”

“Thanks for the suggestion, pala”

“I just want to know about wizards study here, and muggles who study magic and specifically wands you use and the socio status off non-wizard families studying magic.......”

“Hold your horses boy...I understand your confusion, but I can’t tell anything now or at least in the train journey, but I promise you I will clarify all your doubts in the forest walk we are going to have, but one fact which will serve as an introduction, the magical study is entirely different from what you have seen till now, you better take rest and its going to be a full night journey to patna.

Harry just waited for this train to come, and it finally came after some time, they boarded it and the journey begun, Harry who is already tired slept early, where as pala was awake almost all the night.

When the train was about to reach patna, pala woke up Harry and asked to complete the daily chores as early as possible. Finally, Patna came and both got off the train, went outside got a taxi and started traveling again.

'You haven't slept all the day? Have you?' questioned Harry

Pala didn’t reply, but gave a don’t-talk-any-more look.

Harry understood pala was in a bad mood, so didn’t want to question again and kept staring from the window, they are already outside the city and it appeared to him that they are traveling on some highway.

After some time, pala talked to the driver in a local dialect, and the driver stopped immediately, pala asked Harry to get out with the entire luggage.

Outside it looks like mid of a big highway with greenery on both sides, Harry was sure they are some 50 miles away from patna, Harry didn’t want to protest, Harry just got off the taxi, and decided to follow pala.

Pala directed Harry to follow him and started moving in to the forests, Harry followed him quietly. They started walking deep in to the forests and Harry blindly followed pala.

Suddenly pala started speaking,

'I am sorry, if I am rude, you will understand why I behaved like that if I answer all your questions'

Initially Harry thought he was speaking to some invisible person, but immediately realized that pala was talking to him.

'Wizards! As they are called in London are not an unknown entity in India, probably every muggle here in India knows that wizards exists'

'But, Nalanda gurukul don’t prefer teaching magic to muggles and always try to keep with in pure blood families'

Harry was surprised by hearing that, this is unfair, everyone should get a chance to study magic. Is this Nalanda gurukul run on the same lines as voldemort principles

"Keeping magic with in the pure bloods"

Pala interrupted Harry's thoughts

'We restrict muggle studying magic not because, we have aversion them studying but we are more worried about misuse of the knowledge, rather than extinction of the subject. In the history of Nalanda gurukul the muggles we admitted turned out to be rouge wizards, and we took lot of pains to convict them, so gurukul has taken a decision to admit students from muggle families only after making sure that they don’t have any intentions of misusing the knowledge.

We normally conduct extensive tests before we admit students from non-magical families. Naturally very very few qualify every year probably single digit a year.

But, you may question that "How can we guarantee that pure blood family students does not turn out to be rouge", we have a procedure for this as well, every wizard boy is tracked by the ministry, even a slight hint aggressiveness will disqualify him from being a student in any wizard school.

Apart from magic we also teach special subjects which help students control their aggressiveness,

You will come to know all of them once you come to gurukul'

'Often, muggles who want to learn magic but denied admission will resort to more cruel ways to learn magic when they become adults, they form groups, and look out for wizards who venture out in to muggle areas, they kidnap wizards and force them to teach magic, few kidnaps happened earlier as well,

'Because of this reason, Indian Minstry has set strict protocol for wizard who are planning visit to muggle areas, and the checklist goes up to 150 entries and very tedious to follow'

'That's the only reason why I was awake all the night, did not allow you to speak, I didn’t speak either.' and pala started laughing for the first time.

Harry finally felt it’s ok to ask questions now and said

'But, you are not carrying any wands, why is that? Is it not a loop hole in your security protocol?'

Pala stopped abruptly and turned back, he stretched his arm straight and chanted few words, and instantly a small stick started floating in the air and ascended slowly to a height and stopped, it gives an impression that it is suspended in the air.

Harry was stunned by this, not by the trick he performed, but pala did magic with his bare hands, with out any wand.

'So, you don’t use wands, that’s really great'

Hope he would have known that trick last year, he would have saved Dumbledore on that unlucky night.

'No, we use wands' again interrupted pala.

'But, I don’t see any, is it a kind of invisible wand'

'No again' smiled pala

'It’s a part of security protocol set by ministry to protect from muggles'

'The modus operandi of muggles to kidnap wizards is first to make a wizard unconscious and separate his wand, so that the wizard cant defend himself, To avoid this problem ministry has taken a decision that Every wizard and would-be wizards should embed the wand into his right arm by means of surgery, the only exception is underage wizard (age below 10) and they are prohibited from visiting muggle places with out an escort'

Pala pulled up his sleeve and shown a scar of size of a fountain pen and said

'Here is my wand!'

A cold chill went through Harry’s spine, a surgery to study magic, and he was thinking how Ron will react to this.

Pala started walking and continued, Harry followed quietly

'Wizards carry a dummy wand when they go out and can protect them selves even when muggles attack, with their original wand. Luckily, rouge muggles haven't found about this till now, and don’t worry you can study magic here with out a surgery,

But your visit to muggle places is yet to be confirmed by Gupta-ji'

Harry chuckled with a sigh of relief and surprise

"Hope I clarified all your doubts?" pala questioned with a smile on his face

"Yes almost, but one left out, do you import wands from London?"

"No again, we prepare our own wands, but you might have heard that wands are imported by India, those are illegal imports and mostly done by muggles here, who want to learn magic here"

"Then, what are your wands made of?" interrupted Harry

"Our wands mainly consists feathers of rare species of eagles found in Western Ghats, its a range of mountains with thick forests, these eagles are believed to be descended directly from Garuda, A divine eagle, and often become target for rouge muggles.

Ministry here has a separate wing of wizards who protect these birds from hunters."

Pala stopped again and said,

"Our journey is over. Here is the entrance to Nalanda gurukul" smiling again.

Before them was a huge banyan tree, pala waved his hand in the air and chanted few words in some unknown language and the huge roots of the banyan tree started moving in to two branches which left a narrow hole in the ground, Harry could see steps but it is completely dark inside, and he could not see the floor.

Pala held Harry's hand

"Follow me, no questions" and pulled him in to the darkness

Harry could hear the sound of dry leaves crumbling indicating that the door above has closed.

Its pitch dark inside and he blindly followed pala.

After a few minutes of descending, he finally landed on a rough floor and started walking.



"Do you know voldemort?"

"No, But I heard about him, you need not worry about voldemort here, because he don’t have any followers here"

"But, you said rouge wizards exists here"

"Yes, but voldemort could not market himself very well in India, his aim was to keep magical education with in pure blood families, but the rouge wizards here are muggles and they found voldemort's motto offending.

Voldemort tried to make an alternate offer to Indian wizards that he will teach magical education, but muggle wizards were doubtful about his sincerity and turned down his offer."

"Do you know why I am here?"

"No, but I know you have some thing to do with voldemort"

Immediately after saying that pala turned left and there it is.

Harry could finally see some light, it appears to be a chamber and a faint lamp is glowing at the end of the chamber,

In the dim light he could see a iron tracks running perpendicularly the chamber entrance and a trolley on the tracks.

"Are we going to travel in this?"

"Yes, Mr. Harry, this is the only"

"Safe way" interrupted Harry.

Pala smiled and kept Harry’s luggage inside the trolley and asked him to site inside.

After both got into the trolley, pala tapped it with his wand, and trolley started moving quickly, After traveling in a mining cave like path for few minutes, trolley came into sudden light and halted.

Harry took a bit of time to adjust to the sudden bright light.

The trolley stopped in the middle what appears to be a garden, with greenery in every direction.

Pala got out of trolley and pulled Harry's luggage and directed Harry to follow him.

Nalanda gurukul looks like a rocky place, completely different from what he has thought about it, No castles or special rooms, dinning tables...just open space and trees, and few rooms made out of stone in the corners,

The only building he could see was the library room. It is building of same height as 10 storey building.

Pala took Harry to a small room and kept his luggage there.

'Please give your wand?' asked pala.

Harry handed over his wand, and pala tapped the door with Harry's wand.

From now, this room is yours and your wand is your key, no need of any spells.

The room was small, simple, with a bed, table and attached bathroom.

"Gupta-ji wants to see you now, let’s go"

"But, how does he know that I have arrived" asked Harry with a puzzle look.

"You haven't sent any message, Have You?"

Pala smiled once more

"Mr. Harry we have entirely different mechanism for communication than owl's, you will know when time comes"

Both left the small room and walked the corridor towards the Gupta's room.

They entered a chamber build of stones in pale brown color fitted with a huge wooden door, pala stopped there, and said "Master wants to see you alone", please proceed" then he turned back and left the place.

Harry moved forward and touched the huge door, and the door opened slowly with a creaky noise.

It is huge office for a single master, with all sort of books stacked almost touching the roof, Harry thought this might be the second library.

"Welcome Mr. Harry" said a voice at the corner of the room.

Harry could see an old man with short white hair and white robes. he was tall and has a commanding voice.

"Hello Mr. Gupta-ji" wished Harry

Gupta laughed aloud

"I guess pala has given initial dose of manners"

"Nothing like that, it’s always good to learn manners" Harry replied

"Gupta-ji, I have a small request"

"Yes, go-on"

"Can I stay here for 4 months, rather than planned 2 months?"

"That will depend on the reason why you are planning to stay?"

"I want to study"

"In that case, you can"

"Also, you have to do a small favor for me, Moody should not know about this extension and anybody from London, if asked about my whereabouts, you should not reveal them"

"Well Mr. Harry your requirements are a bit doubt arising, but I grant them, because moody explained the situation you have undergone and sincerely requested me to support you.

You have a sad news is, shortly before your arrival, I got message from London that, moody was attacked by group of voldemort followers and is severely injured, he is in a state of come. He was good friend of mine.

Currently the Gurukul has holidays, except few students who decided to stay back.

You can take a day off, and we can sit together and decide what subjects you want to study apart from what I recommend."

"Sir, I have a question, how did you know Mr. Moody?"

"Moody and I worked as interns at gringotts bank for a year."

"You have been to London?" spluttered Harry in surprise

"Yes dear, at that time I came across Voldemort"

"You met Voldemort?" Harry's mouth wide open with surprise

"Yes, I met him in person. He is not as notorious as he is now, when I met him. He is just like another wizard working in a small shop, but I sensed evil in his eyes, craftiness in his voice.....

Enough for the day, you take rest, I have arranged for meal in your room, and see you tomorrow in the class room at 10'o clock.

Harry left for his room, and slept immediately after having lunch.

The other day Harry went to the class room at 10'o clock, he saw Gupta sitting with a stack of books, on the table.

"Ah, welcome Harry, here is your curriculum for the coming the 2 months, you will not have any teacher at least for the first 2 months, These books are self guiding and self explanatory, any doubts ask them they will teach you, for practical’s it will guide you, But these books are in Sanskrit, not in English, to solve that problem you can use these 'Language Converters' A earphone and paper, put the earphone in your ears and they will translate it for you, put the paper on top of any text they will get translated to your native English” chuckled Gupta handing over the ear piece and paper

"Do I need to study alone?"

"Yes, self-explanatory books"

"But, there is one subject which i wish you to teach personally."

"I have given all these books keeping in mind that you want to protect your self.

Be careful about this my boy, the strategy is before you attack any enemy you have to study him,


His modus operandi,

His strengths,

His weakness,

His followers,

Study him so much that you should be able to think on the same lines as your opponent thinks."

"Is it occulemency you are talking about?"

"Occumlemency is one among many branches of this subject I was talking about, Anyways you complete them and get back to me in case of any problems during study"

"Master, I have one more request."

"Yes, Harry"

"I want to embed a wand in my right hand, is that possible?"

Gupta laughed aloud again and said, "Yes, but you would have to provide a proof that, you are magical student,

Hogwarts invitation letter with your name will do, rest I will manage, but this process will take around 3 months and you need some time to practice, without a wand. Is that OK?"

“Yes master” nodded Harry

“Harry, do you have any idea how the spell works when tried with an embedded wand?”

“No, but pala has shown me, by lifting a stick with bare hands.”

“No Harry, I am sure you are not aware of the intricacies of embed wand, basically, when embedded wand is used, the spells are divided in to two categories 1. Spells which alter the internal energy state of the object

2. Spell which does not affect the internal energy levels.

For example, if you lift a stick from ground you are not altering the characteristics (like shape, size, and temperature) etc., But if you burn it, you are altering the state of it.

The fundamental difference is that for first grade spells, and swathe of light will come of your wand, peeling the skin, for second grade spells it’s not the case.

So, every time you use a grade 1 spell, you have to undergo a considerable amount of pain, till you get used to it, now tell me, do you really want the surgery”

“Yes, master” confidently replied Harry.

“Alright, then”

From tomorrow, I will take a personal class for you in the morning on the subject of basic communication,

For the rest of time you can prepare the books I have given’

Harry picked all the books and said bye to Gupta and left the room

He went into the room closed his door, and opened the books one by one

The titles are written in some unknown language but a paper with an English name written is pasted on top of the book.

The book titles went on like this

1. Basics of spells

2. Advanced spells (covers reflective spells exclusively)

3. Win by mind (revolutionary discoveries which help you disable your opponent mentally)

4. Advanced Occulemency (compilation of research papers of authors around the world)

5. Art of War (pre-historic and classical versions)

6. Traces of magic (Techniques to detect traces of magic)




A total of 11 books were there and Harry picked up a book randomly and started reading it.

The other day Harry woke up early and went to the class room, only Gupta was sitting there reading a book, nobody else was present

“Sit down Harry, Today is an introduction class and you can study this subject from the book i have given”

“Yes Sir”

“The Communication in the wizard’s world is prominent. The basic security needs to be ensured, so that information will not go into wrong hands, the method used here is called thought-transference.

In this method, you convey your message by pushing your thoughts towards the sender. Thought-transference does not require any effort from receiver side, but it’s a real burden on the sender’s side.

Your brain needs to supply the power that pushes the thoughts towards the sender.”

“Master, is it like the brain acts like an antenna and transmits the message?” asked Harry with a skeptical voice He could not believe what Gupta was saying.

“It’s not exactly your brain at work, but your soul at work”

“But, master if there is no effort from receiver’s side, then how can you guarantee that my message has gone to correct person? “

“You misunderstood me, when you send your message as a thought. you have to push your thoughts by recalling the senders name. So, when the message leaves, it’s a kind of encapsulated by a layer which only your destination human mind can understand, recognize and feel your message.

For others, it looks garbled foggy thought. But, there is a chance of tapping which has very rare occurrence. There is a known drawback in this method of transferring the message

For example, If you know the sender and receiver personally, if know the time when they will transmit the message you can understand the message which is transmitted, as you see this is very rare and this method remains safe for generations.

For this method to work effectively, 2 main requirements are

1. You need to keep your mind absolutely calm for sending the message

2. To send multiple messages successively, you need to do a lot of practice

Now, you can go to your room, and start reading the books, any doubts which the book can’t clarify, send me a thought message” said Gupta with a smile. I have told the librarian to allow you to collect the books of your choice.

“Ah! Forgot to mention one more thing, order of the phoenix members also uses a slight variation of thought-transference to communicate. One more thing, I have initiated the process of surgery for embedding a wand” said Gupta and left the hall

Yes, Gupta might be true, Dumbledore once said Order members have a safer mechanism to send and receive messages Harry recalled.

From that day, Harry started studying the books, practiced thought-transference to send messages, completely unaware of the turmoil his friends and fraternity are under going currently.

Apart from the subjects Gupta has suggested Harry also studied advanced captivating spells which are counterparts to Unforgivable curses.

Meanwhile Ministry of magic in London sent a letter to Ministry in India asking about Harry potter, but Gupta choose not to reveal about his stay in Gurukul.


It was a sunny day and Ron just woke up from bed from the creaking noise of the door, he is sure his dad has come, he immediately ran to downstairs.

'Dad, Why are you late? Where is Harry?' asked Ron with a puzzled look

Ron didn’t notice that entire family was present there (except big brother)

Mr. Weasely took the chair and sat down, he was sweating heavily

"Harry ran away from home"

"What, ran away? What do you mean by ran away?" exclaimed Ron

"Harry has given a letter to his caretaker and it reads that

'Mr. Weasely please don’t search for me, I am alright, I decided to discontinue my studies,

Please don’t risk your family’s lives for my sake. Thanks a lot for standing by me since my school days.'

Ron felt a cold chill went through his did happen what he feared most, Harry moved out of his safe net and became an open hunt for voldemort followers.

"But why did he do this? Where is he now? Can we ask ministry people to help track him dad?"

"Ron, that is why I am late, I went to the ministry and tried to track Harry.

But the information I got is what worries me a lot.

Harry received a letter from Moody before he left the home, contents of the letter are not known because moody has encrypted the letter with his own invented spell and Harry is last seen in diagon alley, where he stayed for a night"

"We can ask moody to tell us, i mean at least he trust us right?" interrupted Mss. Weasly.

"We don’t have that option now. Moody was attacked during a muggle rescue operation few days back and he is in a state of coma, he can’t talk or listen. We have to wait till he recovers"

"Oh No, this is real bad, he is in great danger, he is out of his home, he is no longer protected by his mom's spell" Ron said

"Yeah, that's what concerns me, and I can’t take help of ministry because the new minister is not really willing to help Harry potter and also voldemort has followers in ministry staff, so, if ministry staff knows where Harry is, you-know-who also knows about it instantly."

"Ron!! One latest news, you may have to call off your studies this year, because I have come to know that voldemort may plan attack on Hogwarts school or its surroundings and ministry is considering to call of studies in view of safety of staff and students."

"Dears, we will be leaving to Hogwarts for a week, and I have arranged for a door delivery for the books required for you all

Within this week, if we can find anything about Harry, I will try to bring him to Hogwarts. Is that OK?" Explained Mr. Weasely

Exactly after one week, the Mr. Weasly took his children to catch the Hogwarts express, with an escort from ministry for safety concerns.

But, at the platform, it was a total chaos. More than 50 ministry wizards were deployed to look after the safety of the students who board the train.

"Dad, what is this why are all these people here?" questioned Ginny.

"Ginny, forgot to tell you all, ministry has got news from informers that you-know-who might try to occupy/attack Hogwarts or its surrounding villages, actually ministry wants to cancel the academic year till this crisis is over, but the news is not concrete and closing the school fearing the attack might be an indication of the inefficiency of the ministry, so ministry decided to continue the school and provide security"

"But dad, what will they achieve by attacking a school, all are kids over there, nobody to fight really?"

"Dears, it’s not just a school" Mr. weasely explained

"Hogwarts is the most famous school for wizardry in the world. Attacking and occupying Hogwarts have a lot of implications for voldemort.

Attack over Hogwarts will be an embarrassing incident for ministry and will expose the inefficiency of the ministry, it gives a moral win for voldemort and access to the restricted section of the library in Hogwarts, ministry is worried what to do, if this happens at all. Because, the restricted section is said to believe holding a lot of books on magical subjects which are dangerous if landed in the wrong hands"

Ron started feeling giddiness after hearing that, he could not imagine seeing a bunch of death eaters in Gryffindor room and he on the other side, He wished he could have learned more spells with the help of Harry to protect himself.

"Remember this, when ever I come to know about Harry, I will inform you, till then don’t venture out, even to Hogwarts, it is very risky these times, Understand?”

"Yes dad" replied Ron and ginni

The train had started and left Hogwarts, in the train Ron came to know that some of the gryffindor's and other houses as well, dropped the school fearing the attack from death eaters. Where as slytherin has the lowest number of drop outs this year.

Ron was glad that Hermione joined him this year.

After students came to Hogwarts, Ron was totally shocked. Hogwarts was totally surrounded by wizards from ministry exactly the same way as it is surrounded by dementors 3 years back and new rules and regulations were handed over to students by filch.

The new rules restricts students from doing almost everything

1. No quidditch

2. No hogsmeade

3. No venturing outside after evenings

4. No DADA this year

5. No newspapers this year.

6. Incoming mail allowed

7. Outgoing mail not allowed

8. No body can travel in/out of Hogwarts by air or apparation.



The list bans everything except bathroom and class room

Ron thought Harry did it right by running away, its better not to study than stay here.

From the next day, it was a routine of class studies for students at Hogwarts except that there is no headmaster present. Prof. Minerva is the acting headmaster now, and no DADA classes anymore, and heavy restrictions for students. They heard that hagrid is off the duty and is working on a special assignment which Minerva has assigned to him.

Particularly for Ron, there is no malfoy to bully. So, days are going smooth for Ron.

Hermione subscribed to the new edition which daily prophet has started to cover the exclusive news on voldemort and missing Harry potter, she wishes to hear that Mr. Weasly found Harry potter and he is safe.

But students at Hogwarts were ignorant of the impending danger that Prof. Trelanway was warning from day One.

The tower stuck by lightning which Dumbledore repeatedly ignored and met his end.

"Dark days ahead, death will prevail" is what her warning was in her classes.

Students got used to her premonitions, but nobody believed that really bad times are not far away.


It’s the same cave, a fight happened couple of days ago, but this time the dark lord is here, things were not the same as they are when he left it last time years ago. The defense has been broken, spells removed, protectors murdered.

A feeling of betrayal swept through his skinny body. The most guarded object is not there. Somebody attacked and stolen it. It’s impossible, how anyone could beat the mighty wizard the world has ever seen.

“Who would dare to do this?”

He has no answer. Nobody knows about his secret till date. Then how did this happen. He questioned himself.

At least Dumbledore is not alive. He is the only capable one to fight with me. Did this involve Order members?

Not possible at all.

Only one knows this secret, and that’s him self.

“His other-self has stolen it and ran away? “

That is impossible, that will weaken him. He will never do that? But where is he gone?

With so many questions and no answers at all, he realized that staying there is useless apparated with a crackling noise.


In an old house, distant from busy urban life, that was standing as evidence to all the storms that passed the way

A woman was waiting nervously inside it. she is waiting for her master.

Master asked me to wait here, but why all of sudden?

He ordered me and my husband to disguise as a muggle couple and hide for at least 6 months.

But master recalled with in 3 months and that too asked me to come alone.

Is some thing urgent task come up? She was just not sure why the master recalled her so early. Is master alright?

When all the thoughts are suffocating her, she heard the creaky sound of door opening.

She turned and here he is, The Master, the darkest wizard the world has ever seen. She felt some kind of magnetic wave touched her and the feeling is gone instantly.

She immediately turned to The Master and wished.

"Good Morning, Master"

"LeStrange, you seem to be worry about my well-being, did you felt that I was captured by Ministry aurors" said a cold shaky voice

"No, master...those filthy traitors will never capable of touching your shadow."

"Then why do you think I called you here today?"

"I am curious to know master"

"Your loyalty to me has been proved so many times and here comes another testing time Lestrange, this is a test for your capabilities and trust I keep on you

I want to supervise this operation personally, but another daunting task requires my attention. So..." abruptly stopped voldemort.

"I need you to head this operation, Rodolphus has already started working, and will you fight up to your courage for your master


"Master, it's my duty to die for what ever task you have assigned to me, but will never let the defeat come to you"

"The task to take control over Hogwarts, lestrange."

"Control of Hogwarts?" lestrange sound cynical

"But, master we created the rumor just to deviate ministry aurors?"

"Yes, initially that was the motive, but plans have been changed lestrange, half of the aurors are around Hogwarts now,

If we can win this, this will be the first step towards final victory and we get control of many invaluable things which ultimately help us pull the ministry off"

"Now, I don’t have much time lestrange, let me summarize the plan, Rodolphus will take giants and attack hogsmade

You need to take were wolves and attack green ville, the lesser know village near to Hogwarts, this will cutoff routes and ministry can’t reinforce the supplies in to or around the Hogwarts. Once these villages are captured, either we will attack

Hogwarts on some fine moment and catch every student captive or they have to handle over the castle to us and run away.

So, the operation starts next Saturday at night. Snape will shield you both from Ministry's aurors attacks from the other side.

This leaves only the dense forest uncovered and I don’t think Minerva will prefer to march her students in to wild forests, rather than settling for a deal with us."

"Yes Master!"

"You have my permission to with draw, LeStrange"

LeStrange left the place to her muggle residence

She was waiting eagerly for that night, where she can prove her allegiance to the dark lord again. The toughest task ever assigned to any death eater, "The Attack on Hogwarts"


"Ron!! Wake UP!!" shouted Neville.

Ron showed no sign of movement.

Neville conjured a glass of cold water and poured it on Ron's face.

"IDIOT!! Don’t disturb me” shouted Ron.

"What the hell is your problem, its still night" he got from the bed with a bullying look at Neville.

"It’s not your problem, it’s OUR problem"

"What is it?" said Ron

Neville did not say anything. Ron looked around and noticed that nobody was around.

"Where did every one went? What happened?" Ron started feeling nervous.

Instantly, there was loud bang, It appeared to be a kind of explosion, but was not sure.

Ron was shaken for a second, and instantly held Neville tightly.

"Neville, what is happening, where are every body? Please tell me."

"I don’t know, some thing is happening at hogsmade and everyone went to astronomical tower to see."

"Who are fighting, why?? Let’s go and see?"

When they both left common room and headed for astronomical tower, they can clearly see Giants grabbing humans and smashing them against walls, wizards are firing spells madly in all directions, but nothing is happening to giants, they are on rampage.

Half of the houses in hogsmade were already damaged by them. At that time, an announcement came ordering all students to go to bed immediately.

Ministry wizards who are on a patrol came to the tower and escorted students to their common rooms. That night, nobody slept they were just curious what is happening, they heard the sounds of explosion and banging all the night

"Giants are followers of You-Know-who, what are they doing in hogsmade?" questioned Neville. He was nervous since the fight started.

“They are planning to drink butter beer” joined Hermione.

“Hermione stop the nonsense! I am serious” said Neville.

“I mean is, they are not here for hogsmade, they are here for Hogwarts, they are going to attack Hogwarts after they finish hogsmade” smiled Hermione, with a fake accent.

“No, this is not going to happen. At least Dumbledore’s spells are still active, giants can’t come pass through them. Many ministry wizards are here!” said Ron.

“Ron! Don’t you observe, ministry wizards who are inside Hogwarts are not aurors, and most of the aurors are posted at hogsmade and you see the result how the aurors are fighting. Regarding Dumbledore’s spells I accept giants can’t break them, but what if the you-know-who himself comes to break them”

“Then, how to get out of this problem” Seamus interrupted.

“Only 2 things can save us from this crisis. Before the Dumbledore spells are breached we need to vacate the school either via forests and the lesser known route to Greenville or ministry should attack these giants from the outside. “

The next morning Prof. Minerva issued a circular to all the students about the revised security policy which is double the list of first instruction set.

The interesting part is all students have a Defense Arts classes 3 times a day, and each class takes around 1 hour and each and every professor at Hogwarts will take sessions to balance the load.

Ron was laughing hysterically after he has seen the schedule.

“What the hell is wrong with you Ron? This is no joke, indeed very serious situation.” said Hermione seriously

“Sorry, why I was laughing because No professor till date survived in Hogwarts who taught Defense Arts, and look at this schedule all professors are taking classes for Dark Arts now,”...immediately stopped his breath... and whispered “There will not be any professor left at Hogwarts next year.” said Ron and continued laughing again.

“Yes, he is right. What will happen to all of them” exclaimed Seamus

“Nothing is going to happen and I have DADA session in 10 min, see you folks” said Hermione and left the place.

“I thought Harry will be safe at Hogwarts, but it appears that he is safe outside Hogwarts, 4 months and no news from him” Ron said to himself and left for the class.


Back in Gurukul, Harry was deep in to the subjects, He practices occulemency in the morning, Advanced spells in the evening, and just a week back he got operated for wand and started practicing spells with bare hand. As Gupta said, it is painful to use Grade I spells, but Harry is slowly getting used to it.

As the holidays are over in gurukul, it is full of students.

He is using thought-transference almost daily for talking to new friends he made there. He became as skillful as he is at Quidditch. The harder part is how to break others message, Harry is working real hard on this issue.

Another interesting co-relation is there is a subject called "Optical Illusions" which is similar to what poly-juice potion does. Poly-juice potion does help change physically, but Optical Illusion will only allow you to look like others, but does not alter any physical characteristics.

The last subject he is studying and currently have to finish before leaving is "Traces of magic", there is so much text to study and practicing is again an another headache.

One day he contacted Gupta for appointment and he agreed to talk to him in evening.

They met and Harry put his plans in front of him.

"Gupta-ji, I have to leave now. I feel the reason why I came here is accomplished." said Harry

"Yes, Harry you can leave, but there is one thing which worries me, I came to know about this recently."

"What professor?"

"The books which you have taken from library, Are very unusual for your age, Books of advanced spells, which is a counter part and more powerful than the Unforgivable curses, these spells gives you so much power which is difficult to comprehend.

What I request is never allow the feeling power take your mind, If that happens you will, for sure, become an another rouge wizard, and I will guarantee that I will hunt you personally. Did you understand what I said?"

"Yes, master. I understand, I promise that I will never use these spells on innocent people."

"Now, I will make arrangements for your travel tomorrow."

"Thank you for everything Professor."

They both called the day and this time there is no escort for him out of forest.

Harry went to Delhi by train and took a flight to France, instead of London. he wants to enter London by train rather than by air. In Paris, he booked a private chamber in a train to London scheduled next day so that no one will ever discover him.

Meanwhile, he went to a shop for wizards in France and bought old editions of 'Daily Prophet' dating 3 months old.

After the train started, Harry started reading the magazine one-by-one. His main intention was to find out whether the wizards came to know about horcruces or still kept as a secret by the ministry.

He was enthused to see the special edition attached to main sheet, which covers only you-know-who related news. This is what exactly he wanted.

The articles summary always talks about, who has seen voldemort, what damage death eaters have caused.

The problems ministry is facing to put charms on muggles. Crash courses started by ministry to help people protect themselves against Giants. Ministry always boasts of getting dementors in control, but never able to succeed to subdue giants.

But, there is no trace of Horcruces being discussed. "This means, Horcrux is still a secret only known to few aurors at ministry/me/voldemort"

When Harry was about to finish reading the editions, the last but one caught his attention.

"Death Eaters Attack Hogwarts"

Harry was shocked at reading this. How could this happen?

He started reading the article.

"After last years sensational death of its headmaster, Hogwarts is in trouble again, but this time, death eaters want to make it big.

It has been reported that, Hogsmade and Greenville villages near to the Hogwarts are captured by Death Eaters Last night. In a surprise attack, Giants and Wolves attacked these villages in night by forming 2 groups. Ministry officials have responded that, they were aware of the attack and had enough protection patrolling this area.

But it appears that security arranged is just not enough, and it appears that death eaters have already registered a clear victory. No contact till from aurors who are scheduled for duty in these villages. Many aurors posted for duty are held captive or feared dead.

Ministry's effort to send reinforcements is also thwarted by a small group of death eaters different from the groups who attacked these 2 villages. The main motive behind this attack is, to take control of Hogwarts ultimately.

It’s believed that, Hogwarts is currently protected by many spells designed by Dumbledore himself. Both land and air-routes are currently blocked by these spells. So neither the death eaters nor the ministry people can enter the Hogwarts by broom sticks or apparition now.

Its deadlock situation where, Hogwarts is cut-off from the rest of the world.

Parents of the Hogwarts students are much worried about the safety of their children.

The only way for students to escape is through the wild forest, and whether this route is manned by death eaters or not is still not clear. If ministry could not find a solution for this crisis then Hogwarts and its students will be in great danger. For more updates please check tomorrow’s daily prophet edition."

His heart started pounding, what is happening now in hogsmade. Are my friends safe? How is hagrid? He could not imagine death eaters attacking Hogwarts. Last year only a couple of death eaters entered the Hogwarts and wreaked havoc.

They killed the head master. This time, it’s a whole army of death eaters, giants and wolves. The thought of dark mark on Hogwarts sent a chill down the spine.

Another article in the same paper wrote that mad eye moody was recovering from the coma. Harry was a bit cheerful about this news, be he was doubtful whether moody will be strong enough to fight again.

The next day Harry got down at London station went straight to diagon alley, he disguised himself very well using the long grown hair and bought a copy of the daily prophet and started reading it.

The front page carries a photograph of a 2 people, whom he recognized instantly.

Description below reads as follows:

"Bellatrix Lestrange and Rodolphus, who escaped from Azkaban 2 years back, are the main suspects in the attack on Hogwarts.

They are leading the two teams who attacked the hogsmade and green ville. The ministry's spies gathered this sensitive information, the stand-off between ministry, death eaters still continues,

Ministry staff has started sending messengers to death eaters camp to negotiate a deal, updates of these discussions are not yet known. Whether You-Know-who is directly involved in the attack or merely directing his followers is still not confirmed.'

With a sigh of relief, Harry folded and kept the paper inside his bag.

At least he was sure that Hogwarts is not yet attacked and his friends are safe, he has no time, he has to do something, which will divert death eaters, he alone can’t take all of them at once and also there is this mystery group which attacks from no where.

Harry prepared a plan and immediately left for Hogwarts on his broom stick.


“Lestrange you have got a letter!” knott handed over the letter.

Lestrange was inside dungeon of a ransacked pub, which giants caught the other day, all the captives were held at the dungeon tied and lying on the floor.

“How long are we going to keep this aurors? Why don’t we finish them and attack Hogwarts?” said knott impatiently.

“The Dumb Dumbledore is gone, but his protection for the school still there. Understand. We can’t break it ourselves.

Moreover master clearly said that we need to wait at hogsmade for further orders from master. “

“Crabbe and few other giants will patrol Hogwarts borders in night from today, they may attempt to run away by broom sticks may be.

Master, clearly gave instructions that only news papers should be allowed inside, if you see any other bird kill it there. “

“But why this news papers only??” Asked knott

“Why because that will help us psychologically and will encourage the Hogwarts staff to surrender quickly” smiled bellatrix.

“Anyways, where is the letter from? “ Said knott occupying a table with a butter beer glass in hand

“Letter is from Rodolphus, he completed the occupation, total 32 aurors captured in green ville and dark lord will visit our camps tonight and will give further orders on how to proceed. I will come in a minute” said bellatrix lestrange and started walking towards the door,

She stopped suddenly and turned towards peter Pettigrew who was sitting there quietly at a corner

“Peter, do something useful, you are not really good at fighting, at least arrange a tent for tonight’s camp here,

I prefer a separate room than this shaggy old pub and you knott, you better don’t touch the aurors, it is very important that they stay alive and will help us negotiate deal with ministry” and started moving on

“I am not your servant” squeaked peter.

“What else you are worth for, don’t mess with me or else I will feed you to the giants.” said Bella angrily and left the place.

Peter had to obey or else dark lord will finish him.

She went outside and gathered all giants at one place, and told about dark lord’s visit that night.

Giants were taking rest, and some time in the evening, Bella received a letter from dark lord saying that he postponed his visit the next day morning and ordered troops not to attack Hogwarts at any cost and defend the hogsmade and green ville.

At the same time, Neville at Hogwarts received a letter. Upon reading it he was completely out of his mind, he could not believe whether it is true or faked. He recognizes the hand writing and the owl, He is here.

The letter reads like this.

Dear Neville,

Hope this letter finds you in good health. I am fine.

I want to meet you tonight near the forest all alone. I will send the owl again and you follow it, I will be waiting for you at the border of dark forest to take care of the spells that protect Hogwarts.

I stress again, come all alone, and burn this letter instantly.

No Ron! No Hermione!

I have a surprise for you.


- Harry

Neville read the letter again and again. Ron and Hermione are his best friends, why he is calling me, what will be the surprise!

Suddenly with a bang of door Hermione entered the owl room and saw Neville holding a letter.

“Hey Neville, who has written to you, is it granny? “

Neville, suddenly awake from the shock used his wand at lightening speed and burnt the letter and left the place.

Hermione grew suspicious about this incident, Neville is up to something. She kept a close watch on him,

He even missed the lunch and waiting for some thing to happen in the common room. Hermione decided not to sleep and wait to see what Neville is trying to do.

Bella passed this message to others and went to bed in her camp just beside the shaggy pub where the aurors were held captive.

In the mid-night, Bella started walking in the middle of the forest. She recognizes the forest adjacent to Hogwarts.

She does not know how she came there, she was not able to see anything in the pitch-dark forest, could only hear some one talking loudly. Bella started walking in that direction very carefully with a wand.

As the sounds getting louder and clearer, she saw a faint light and smoke at a distance, as the density of the trees becoming thinner, she could see the light more clearly, and it is some camp fire somebody has lit. When she came dead close to that place, she carefully guarded herself behind a tree and peeped slowly.

Bella saw a boy who is nearly 15 year old approximately sitting on a stone near the fire. He is practicing some spell, again and again. Which she could not recognize on an object lying on the floor, which appears to be a bag stuffed fully.

He looked impatient and waiting for some one.

The boy is lean and she tried spying from a different angle so that she could get a better picture of who is sitting near the fire. She knows the boy very well, her master has been hunting the boy for quite some time and he is before her eyes all alone.

Master will be real happy and reward her if I finish him now.

“Thinking of finishing me, Bellatrix Lestrange” shouted Harry pointing his wand towards her.

Her instincts told her that ‘Don't waste time’, Harry has seen him, and she has to act now, her heart beating fast now!! She held her wand tight and came out of the bushes, pointed the wand straight at Harry potter.

“Avada Kedavra” she shouted but no jet light came out from wand, in fact there is no wand and she is lying on the floor, she did not understand for a moment what is happening, Harry did not use any spell to disarm.

She got up from bed and realized that it was a dream and she is shouting the curse alone in her tent.

But, it appeared to Bella that it is not just a dream, but a premonition, it is real, Harry is waiting for some one in the forest, but forest is huge, how to find out where he is?

May be I can try my luck, if I can get him, master will reward me, otherwise it’s just a night stroll.

Bella convinced herself took her wand and broom stick, set out for the forest in night.

After riding a mile in the air, she could see Hogwarts with sorry-look, dark and no people around in the grounds. She could see outline of forest adjacent to Hogwarts.

She flew a bit higher to get a clear picture of forest in the moon light,

Bella was elated she found it, its smoke in the middle of forest, some one is there, it must be Harry if her dream is correct.

She started flying in the direction of the smoke and soon came close. She descended quietly in to the forest. She calculated the risk of going alone to the forest. At most there will be centaurs and wolves, Centaurs will run if I they knew that I am a follower of dark lord. Wolves are any way on our side. So, No big deal. No big risk.

Thinking so, she started walking in that direction. The path was exactly the same as she saw in her dream. She came close to the fire, and peeped from behind a tree.

But there is some thing wrong. It is not the same as she exactly seen in dream. There is the stuffed bag and fire but no Harry potter.

No sign of any humans around? Is Harry gone from here or he is going to come back, if Harry is not here, who else might be dare enough to venture out in this forest.

She stood still watching patiently, waiting for some one to pop-up.

But all of sudden she was pushed in to the middle of the open space from behind.

Even before her mind could register what is about to happen, a voice shouted.

“Expillarimus” and her wand flew out and fell away.

She turned around, lying down on the dirty floor and a tall creature walked towards her, she could not see who it is because of the darkness...

“Who is it? Don’t interfere in to the matters of dark lord?” shouted Bella.

The creature came closer and Bellatrix can see his face clearly now. It is Harry Potter.

“Don’t you recognize me Bellatrix Lestrange” said Harry with a smile on his face.

Bella was surprised, but recovered immediately

“You little boy, what you are up to in this forest, my master will be very happy to see you!” said Bellatrix with a mocking smile.

“Well, Well, Well...I will be happy to see voldemort as well!” said Harry pointing wand at her.

“Don’t you dare to call my master with his name in front of me”

“Bellatrix, Calling Voldemort by the name Voldemort does not matter me any more. Whom anyways I will finish”

Bellatrix started laughing loud, for a moment it appeared that she became mad.

She stooped abruptly

“What do you think of yourself? You don’t even know how to use a cruciating curse, you silly stupid boy, you must be out of your mind, after seeing Dumbledore dead, are you?” Bellatrix yelled

“I think you need to assess again, rather then carry away with a 2 year old opinion, Bellatrix.” said Harry, raised his wand and shouted.


Bellatrix shrieked, unimaginable pain, pain as if her bones are crushed, pain as if the blood in her body turned into red hot iron and immediately the pain is gone.

“How is this Bella? Did I improve in 2 years?” said Harry with a cruel smile on his face.

First time bellatrix looked worried.

“Should I assume that I did well from the expression on your face or you need the demo again” Harry chuckled again.

Bella just kept staring at Harry, she did not talk, and the only sound that is audible was crackling of fire.

“Bellatrix Lestrange, I have got a guest to receive, will be back in 10 minutes, till that time please make your self comfortable here”, Harry waved his wand and ropes out of no where came and tied bellatrix and hung her from the tree.

“Impedimenta!” roared Harry and bellatrix was stunned and became unconscious

Harry picked his broom stick and started flying towards Hogwarts.

He sent his owl to indicate Neville that he has come. Neville has seen the owl and followed it, He met Harry at the dark forest. First, he could not believe his eyes. He just hugged him.

“Harry!! How are you? Long time my friend! What are you doing in this dangerous forest my friend! Everything Alright? “

“Shhhhhh......” sighed Harry

“Don’t make noise, I will explain everything! Follow me, quietly.”

Harry held a wand with light and started moving in to the forest.

They did not observer Hermione following them. Hermione was following from a distance, so she could not recognize Harry in the night, but she decided to follow them. Hermione could not light her own wand because she was afraid they will notice her.

After going a bit deeper, Hermione could not see anything, except light from Harry’s wand.

Almost 10 minutes they walked and Harry removed his broomstick from the bag and positioned it, asked Neville to sit on it and started flying.

It was to dark for Hermione to notice them flying and she kept searching for the tiny light.

“Hi Hermione, its nice meeting you here!” said a voice which she recognized instantly.


Harry and Neville landed close to the camp fire and walked towards the fire.

“Can I talk now? “ Demanded Neville.

“Did you bring your wand? “ said Harry talking out his own wand from his robes.

“Yes Of course, but you tell me what you are up to in this forest at this time? Why did not you join the school?

Where did you go? Ron was saying that you ran away from home? Do you know that hogsmade...”

“Hang On! Neville!” said Harry and offered him the rock to seat.

“Neville, do you remember what i have written in the letter?”

“Does that really matter, what is in this bag. Are you aware that the you-know-who is after you?” said Neville with impatience

“YES! I know that voldemort is after me, will you let me talk?” Yelled Harry impatiently

“I am sorry my friend, I am perfectly alright and everything is going fine, i quit school because, it made no sense to me.

The killer of my parents, my god father, and my guardian are free out there, how do you expect me to sit there before the books and writing exams like a dumb idiot?”

“What do you wish to do then? Kill them? Take revenge alone?” asked Neville with a probing look.

“Neville, I have already lost my friends and risked lives with my stupidity, now I want to act alone.”

Harry stopped instantly and moved towards an another rock and sat there

“Well, back to what we have discussed earlier, i mean the letter, i have mentioned that i had a surprise for you?

Are you not interested in knowing what it was” chuckled Harry and instant drift from seriousness.

“Is that real important, is this gunny bag the surprise??” said Neville carelessly.

“Hey!! You guessed it right! This bag is the surprise, also!!”

“Another additional to that there is another surprise as well my friend!” said Harry and waved his wand. There was large crush of sound and immediately a human body fell to the ground from the tree trunks

just in front of them tied with ropes

Neville moved back feeling that it is going to fall on his head.

“Merlin’s bread! Who is he, what did you do to him?”

“Not He, SHE! Go on check who it is?”

Neville let body turn the body so that he can see her face. After he turned her body totally

Neville was stuck with horror for a second.

It is Bellatrix Lestrange, the women responsible for the miserable state of his parents.

Neville stepped backwards and sat on the rock.

“Is she bellatrix?” asked Neville who looked upset.

“Yes, of course! She is bellatrix” replied Harry with passport photo smile.

“But, she is with giants in hogsmade right?”

“You are right!, but i managed to kidnap her and there are no giants to protect her now.”

Harry waved his wand and used a non-verbal spell, to make bellatrix consciousness.

Bellatrix woke up lying on the ground, moaning with pain inflicted by the Harry’s curse.

She saw Neville and Harry sitting on the rocks and started laughing.

“Ohhh! Mr. LongBottom, so Harry, this silly boy is your guest tonight and you arranged for revenge?”

“Bellatrix, I must admit that I am impressed with your analytical skills, precisely your guess turns out to be true”

“So, what Mr. LongBottom you are going to kill me now, did your dumb Dumbledore taught you how to hold a wand properly?” shouted bellatrix at Neville.

Neville just could not digest what situation he is in now.

“Neville Don’t hesitate. Do what ever you want to do?”

“I can’t do any thing Harry, just let me go!”

“Neville, don’t you understand, tonight I kidnapped her alive risking my life just because I want you to have your revenge.”

“This filthy rouge wizard is the very reason why your parents are in that miserable condition today.” said Harry with a thundering voice.

“Neville, nobody is here and nobody knows that we did it, so you need not worry. An official death warrant has been issued against them, so you are allowed to use unforgivable curses on her, go on!”

Harry was trying to convince, But Neville was just not ready or never prepared himself for a situation like this

Seeing Neville’s hesitation, bellatrix started laughing like a mad woman.

“LongBottom boy at least you parents are better, tried to attack me for a while, before I cruciated them to eternal madness.” said bellatrix and started laughing at her own joke again.

“Crucio!” yelled Harry with his hand pointing at her and she stopped laughing and started shouting with pain. Pain no less than hell, after a few seconds lifted the curse.

“You better not to speak about Dumbledore, otherwise I will finish you”

Neville was stunned with what happened just now.

“Harry, what happened to you? I have never seen you using a curse like this. You alright?” asked Neville with a voice of deepest concern.

“I am perfectly alright. I am more concerned about you!

“Do you want to act too kind, even to this remorse less rouge witch!

Haven’t you ever promised to your mom and dad that you will one day take revenge on bellatrix

Didn’t you miss your parents any time in your life?

Don’t you want to take revenge for what this witch has done to your family?

Did I lie anything Neville? Tell me? You got to answer this?”

A wave of hatred swept through Neville’s body.

“Do you want me to torture her?”

“Yes, you have to give back, what she has given to your family.”

“Harry potter such a coward you are, torturing by tying the hands, so mean to kill by tying up, not giving a fair chance to fight.”

“Oh! I wonder whether this “fair chance” rule was recently introduced by ministry. Did you give a fair chance to Neville’s parents?”

“Anyway, we are Gryffindor, I accept your challenge. Accio Wand!” said Harry

Bellatrix wand which was lying on the floor came flying in to Harry’s hand. Harry untied the ropes of bellatrix and had given the wand to her.

“Let’s Duel” said Harry

Harry and Bella stood face to face 10 feet away and started dueling.

When the dueling begun, Bellatrix fired a two disarming spells successively at Harry, When Harry was busy dodging the first one, and the second spell hit him directly. Harry’s wand fell off to the ground.

Bellatrix was happier than ever, Neville became alert after seeing what has happened.

“Harry, have you lost practice, you were even unable to block a simple spell and this laxity will cost you your life.”

Neville shot a disarming spell. Bellatrix deflected it and disarmed Neville as well.

“Your foolishness is going to cost your friend as well, Harry. Go meet your parents”

Bellatrix lifted her wand and was about to curse. But her wand is gone, somebody fired a disarming spell.

She did not see anyone near by, or did not hear anyone shouting a spell.

Harry apparently understood the confusion of bellatrix and laughed loudly.

“Sorry Bellatrix lestrange, I forgot to tell that I no longer require a wand to perform magic, your silly disarming spell, is useless” said Harry by stretching his hand forward and chanted a spell, his wand came flying towards him.

He held it and tied bellatrix with ropes again.

“Your chance is over, and you did not perform well. Bellatrix, I have another guest, whom you will be pleased to meet” said Harry

Harry leaned forward untied the bag and a man who was unconscious popped out.

Bellatrix was thunderstruck, it is her husband Rodolphus.

She shouted loudly “Rodolphus, wake up!! What did you do Harry?”

“Don't shout! He is just stunned” yelled Harry potter.

“You can’t cheat me, he is not my husband, perhaps it’s some illusion trick.”

“I prefer duping by means of dreams, rather than illusions.”

Lestrange seemed to understand the trap laid by Harry.

“You conjured that dream and trapped both of us?”


Till that moment Neville stood like a statue, he was still not sure, how Harry was able to manage to trick 2 of the most important death eaters who were responsible for attacking Hogwarts.

“Neville, shall we proceed” said Harry turning towards Neville.

“No Harry, I can’t do this” this time Neville’s voice was more rational than emotional.

He decided not to torture anybody, my mom and dad will be happy if I handover them to the ministry rather than torturing them.

But I can’t do that because I have not captured him, so it’s your choice Harry, I have to go”

“Neville, it is meaning less to hand over them to ministry at this time, because, they will definitely escape from Azkaban again in future.”

“Then what you intend to do?” questioned Neville.

“I want to show a little skill of mine to bellatrix and her husband, then we will handover them to the ministry in a state that death eaters will shake with fear at the thought of attacking Hogwarts”

Harry kept his wand inside the robe, and stretched both of his arms forwards with palms facing each other and started chanting of few spells in a foreign language to Neville.

A Faint dot of white light appeared between his hands and it started growing slowly in all directions.

After a few seconds, it has grown to the size of crystal ball, Harry removed his hands.

From distance it looked like a shiny light blue crystal ball, suspended in the air.

“Bellatrix, have you ever imagined pain beyond the cruciating curse,

Pain beyond hell,

Pain which make you feel that death is so near, but yet so far,

Pain so much that your stunned husband will become conscious without any spells,

Pain any death eater would never believe exists on this earth,

This ball makes you believe that.

The cruelty of this ball is only be matched by your sins, bellatrix.”

“Neville, we have to leave this place, this crystal ball will take care of the punishment they deserve and will erase their memories, so that nobody knows we are involved in this incident.”

Harry had sent a spark in the air.

“This spark will stay in the air till morning, so the ministry can track them.

Bellatrix couldn’t believe what was happening. Harry left the place immediately with Neville.

After Harry left, a white spark came out of the crystal ball and hit directly bellatrix first, and another spark hit Rodolphus. It was like bellatrix was an electric wire and crystal ball was transmitting electric power directly through air.

As soon as the spark hit her, bellatrix started screaming with pain, Harry was true, it was unbearable pain, she preferred death, and suddenly Rodolphus woke up and started screaming with pain.

Harry and Neville started moving towards Hogwarts and Neville preferred to keep silent.

When they reached the border of dark forest, Harry said “Neville, you please go to the castle, I will send a letter to ministry about them.

I have to visit moody tomorrow, lot of things pending, no need to tell about what happened in this forest to anybody including Ron and Hermione.”

“Harry, take care” said Neville and left to Hogwarts


“How could this have happened, master?

How could both have left their camps at the same time and found unconscious at the same place” said Snape to voldemort.

“Are they dead?” asked voldemort in an expressionless cold tone.

“No master, according to Goyle Letter they are alive, and they are just gone mad, they can open eyes, but was not in a position to talk or respond in any form.

I asked Goyle to bring their memories so that we can find more about their attacker” explained Snape.

Snape continued.

“Master, the important question is why did they go to the forest, did they intend to survey the forest for future attacks on Hogwarts?”

“Severus, can you put your questions on hold, I gave clear orders that we will not attack from dark forests, centaurs are our opponents and they rule the dark forest.

I believe bellatrix and she will never disobey my orders.

We shall wait till Goyle comes with memories, arrange for a Pensieve.'

“Yes master, as you wish, I will let you know once goyle arrives”.

After some time, goyle arrived with two small bottles in hand.

“Here it is Severus, the memories. They both are moved to the hospital. Ministry doctors have confirmed that they have been tortured to madness. Somebody has sent an anonymous letter to ministry about the bodies. That’s how ministry came to know about them.” said Goyle

“Thanks Goyle, master is busy now, i shall handover this to master in a moment and you can leave now” ordered Snape, immediately Goyle left.

“Master, this is what goyle has given to me.” said Snape while giving the two bottles to voldemort.

“Severus, I want to observe them in solitary, you can leave now” ordered voldemort

“Yes master” said Snape and left the room.

After a while, voldemort came outside of the room, where Snape was keenly waiting.

“Severus, the attacker has erased the memories with a powerful memory charm. He left no clue. We will keep this issue aside for a while

From now on, you have to look over the troops in hogsmade and Greenville. You have to start breaking the Dumbledore’s protective spells in 2 days from now.

We have to enter Hogwarts at any cost with in a week. Once Hogwarts is captured I will join. Is that clear?”

“Master, I don’t deserve commanding your armies, may be other follower deserve this task.” replied Snape in a careful crafted reply.

'Severus, are you advising your master for what to do and what not to do?' roared voldemort

"No Master, never." said Snape

"There are more important issues which require my personal attention, Do what I Say?" ordered voldemort apparated from there.

Snape went to his private chamber and started examining the memories (which he has copied earlier before giving to voldemort), as voldemort said it has been tampered he could see bellatrix coming out of the tent, but after that nothing was left.

He decided to patiently observe the entire day routine of bellatrix from the morning, hoping that he could find a clue.

Snape then observed that bellatrix had a dream about Harry potter in the dark forest, but what she has seen in the memory and the place her body was found are not same. Does this mean that the dream was just a dream or induced by some one else.

The attacker might have lured bellatrix by a dream about Harry potter so that she will go for him.

This can’t be possible because inducing dreams is no child play only an experienced wizard can do that.

“Severus, severus...” knott interrupted Snape.

“Severus, ministry is sending aurors towards Greenville, we need your presence there.” said knott in a hurried tone.

“You alert the Greenville troops, I will be there in a minute” said Snape and destroyed the copy of the memory.

************************************************************************The same day, Harry went to the hospital in a disguised form and met Moody. Moody was healthy but weak, he has got more scars and looked less human. He could not recognize Harry instantly, but later managed.

“Harry, Is that true? Death eaters have surrounded Hogwarts ?” questioned moody.

“Yes professor, it is surrounded by death eaters and the latest update is “Bellatrix lestrange and Rodolphus are captured by ministry” said Harry.

I don’t think ministry can capture them. Somebody must have helped them” continued Moody.

“Yes professor.” concluded Harry

“Professor, I thought voldemort will not do any harm to Hogwarts if I was not there, but my expectations turned out to be wrong, he choose to attack Hogwarts.”

“Harry, where are you staying now, you can stay in the Grimmauld Place, it is safe.” said moody

“No professor, that place reminds me of Sirius, I am staying in a muggle residence, it is not as safe as Grimmauld but it is ok. I need your help regarding horcruces professor” asked Harry.

“Currently I don’t have any information regarding horrcruces, as you might be aware ministry is not willing to acknowledge this with out any proof, apart from a letter” said moody

“A Letter?” said Harry with a dose of surprise

“Yes, ministry came to know about horcruces from an anonymous letter.

Who has written it is still not sure. I will let you know, if I get to know” explained moody.

“Thank You professor, and I will have to go now.” said Harry and left the hospital

Harry went to his room and was thinking what he should do next. Some body has written letter to ministry about horcruces, who must have written it, only he and Dumbledore knows about them initially.

Is slughorn is involved. But why did he wrote a letter instead of saying it directly, did he wants to hide his identity from ministry?

Harry desperately needs information regarding horcruces to proceed further.

A moment later, some body knocked the room door from outside.

"Who is that ?" said Harry leisurely

"Room Service" replied the voice from other side.

Harry looked from the view hole and a young boy in uniform was waiting outside of the room.

When he opened the door, a voice roared. He could not clearly hear what the boy shouted, but Harry understood he was stupefied.


Harry's head was aching. He was sitting in room with his hands tied. The room was gloomy with the only light source being the set of candles on the table in front of him, it was total silence except that few people murmuring outside the room.

Sudden panic rose inside Harry.

Who has kidnapped him, is it Voldemort followers? How did they come to know about him?

Or is it ministry wizards?

'How careless I was, I should have checked before opening the door?" he cursed himself.

Harry turned around to get a look of the room, he calculated his chances of escape, and there are no windows except the main door, either he has to break the wall or run away from the main door.

"Minister Rufus, he is conscious?" somebody shouted outside the room.

'Minister Wizards kidnapped him. Lets wait and see what they have to tell' Harry said to himself and restrained to use magic with his embedded wand

Rufus entered the room along with 2 other wizards and sat before Harry.

'Untied him', Rufus ordered the wizards and they obeyed

"Harry, sorry for this, we did not mean you are criminal, but we need to make sure, you don’t overreact when you become conscious. Basically, we have a few doubts and we expect you to help us."

Rufus continued with out waiting for Harry’s acknowledgment.

"Where were you all these days?

What you are doing?

Did you find anything important which will help us killing voldemort?

Why did you visit Alastar Moody and what did you discuss with him?

Do you know any thing about Voldemort's Horcruces?" paused Rufus, looking at Harry as if it was Harry’s turns to speak.

"I am on a personal trip and I am not answerable to ministry. You can ask moody regarding what we have discussed and about horcruces, I don’t know what that means" bluntly replied Harry.

"I don’t think I have violated any ministry's law, so am I free to go?"

"Harry, I must warn you, please co-operate with the ministry in this fight against voldemort.

Any information about horcruces will help us a lot in reducing the causalities and

Death eaters are looking for you. It is our responsibility to protect you?" said rufus with a warning tone.

"Protect me! How can the ministry protect me, where did the ministry protection go when Sirius Black was killed by a death eater in the head quarters itself.

The ministry head quarters itself is not safe and voldemort’s followers are right here with in the ministry staff" shouted Harry at the minister.

"Well, then put him in the 5th floor special prison till he changes his mind" Rufus ordered the wizards standing with him,

"The special prison is magically bounded such that no wand will work there Harry, for your information, during the crisis times, we don’t require any proofs to use the special prison.

I am giving you 2 days time, if you don’t co-operate with us, we need to use

verita serum" said Rufus and left the room.

Even before Harry could react ministry wizards stunned him again.

When Harry woke up again, he is in a small room with a small window, which is the only source of light there,

When he stood up and saw through the window, there are distant mountains visible. Harry for sure knows that they are simulated.

So, he was just checking the time, and it was evening now. Harry was cursing himself because all his plans went awry because of the laxity for a moment.

Harry tried using his embedded wand, but of no use the magic is not working at all.

He has only one option now, just pretend that he is co-operating with them and avoid verita serum.

Even if minister resort to occumlemency he need to manipulate the spell and misguide them.

Harry lost in his own thoughts on how to answer all possible questions of the minister.


When Ron and Neville were in their DADA class with Prof. McGonagall, Hagrid came in a great hurry and interrupted the class, First time students were seeing Hagrid in weeks. He was lean and weak with no features of giant at all.

“Professor, can I talk to you personally for a while?”

Prof. McGonagall did not reply but just followed hagrid.

They stopped at an empty corridor and hagrid started talking.

“Professor, I have convinced centaurs, they accepted to allow and escort students out of dark forest towards the other side.

Also, they have assured that they will contact ministry regarding sending the students to their homes. But...” abruptly stopped hagrid.

“What happened hagrid, what is the problem?” asked McGonagall nervously.

“Centaurs said they will not allow staff to pass through dark forest” said hagrid.

“As of now, sending students out of Hogwarts is our first priority. staff will stay inside the school and fight death eaters if required, so we will arrange for that tonight.

Hagrid, there is one more thing I need to tell you, a student is missing from Hogwarts since morning” said McGonagall with a worried look.

“It is Hermione, nobody noticed her since morning, and we are searching the entire school. The only way out of Hogwarts now is the dark forest, we are suspecting that she must have entered the forest, we need your help to search the forest, hagrid.” said McGonagall.

“I will do that Prof. Minerva, but remember prepare students by evening and centaurs will come to pick the students.” said hagrid and hurried

He took fang and entered the dark forest to search for Hermione.

Prof. Minerva, immediately put a notice that all students are evacuating the school this night and none should communicate this to anybody outside the school, by any means because of security concerns.

Students were so happy that they are finally going out of Hogwarts and equally worried that entire staff is staying back.

In the Ministry head quarters, the door of the special cell in which Harry was jailed opened wide. Harry was a bit surprised, did the minister order his release so early.

After Dumbledore was dead there is no one to lobby for him, his friends were stuck at Hogwarts, and then how is it possible.

He stood up and peeped out to see who opened the door, it was Arthur weasely.

“Mr. Weasely, thanks for coming, how come minister ordered my release so early” wished Harry with a smile

“Shhhhhhh......, I came here to help for your escape, not release?” whispered Arthur.

“We have to leave this please as soon as possible. Wear these robes and hat” said Arthur and had given a set of robes, hat and his bag with all his belongings for Harry to disguise himself.

There were very few staff at the ministry. Once Arthur and Harry left ministry Head quarters, they both apparated to Number 12, grimmauld place. Though Harry was reluctant to go there, Arthur insisted that it is the safest place than a muggle hotel.

Once they are inside the house, Arthur started talking.

“Harry, First things first, sorry for not maintaining your house properly, It is full of rats now. We barely had any time after last year’s tragedy.

Regarding your run away from home, I don’t have any right to ask where you have been all these days, but just wanted to say that we care for you.

The specialty cell are recently introduced and very loosely guarded, so i did this stunt.”

Arthur took a sealed letter out of his pocket and had given it to Harry. “take this letter, moody asked me to give this to you. One more thing don’t venture out alone, you-know-who followers are looking for you. The main reason why I helped you escape is, I was afraid voldemort followers might attack you.”

“Stay here for tonight and Ms.Weasely will visit you tomorrow morning, I have to leave now. Bye Harry” said Arthur and left the place.

The grim place evoked memories of Sirius. Thinking of Sirius, Harry started reading Moody’s letter.

“Dear Harry,

I hope you had a safe escape. Minster Rufus visited me, after you left the hospital,

He has mentioned that he received a tip-off about the place where a horcrux is hidden. he wants me to check the veracity of the information. I feel you will be interested to join, you need not reply to this,

I will come to Grimmauld Place to pick you up.”

Harry’s spirits rose after reading the letter, He has got another chance.

But still not sure who is passing this information to ministry,

Slughorn must have told about the existence of horcrux, but who will be able to tell the exact location of horcrux?

Can this be Dumbledore, but he is dead.

Or His portrait in headmaster’s room at Hogwarts is guiding the ministry indirectly? Harry With all these questions in mind, Harry prepared himself for the night.

Harry was also concerned about moody, Moody has just been discharged and not as active as he used to be.

This night he has a chance to destroy one horcrux of the voldemort and voldemort will be one step closer to mortality. He just waited for the night to set in.

That entire evening Harry was referring to the “Traces of the Magic”, he was hoping that information from the book might be useful in tracing the spells which voldemort has put as a protection for his horcrux.

He practiced the stunning spells on rats which are famous for their reflexes.


It’s almost dark out side, when the grimmauld place doors flung wide open,

Harry came out of the bed room to see who has come, he recognized the clunk-clunk sound instantly, it was moody.

“Hi Harry!”

He looked weak, but wished Harry with a bright smile on his scarred face

“Hi professor, how are you?”

“I am fine, are you excited about your face off with evil tonight?” said moody with a how-is-that-question look.

Harry preferred not to say anything.

“Harry, what I mean is, I wanted you to know what to expect and what not to?

We don’t know whether the horcrux is available out there or not, we are just going to check out. And that is why I am willing to take you with me”

Moody paused for a moment looked around and continued

“We have to immediately inform the ministry rather than trying to destroy, So....Don’t try to be foolish or heroic, if somebody comes across our way. We need to run even if there is slightest trace of magical protection.”

“Yes professor! But...” said Harry hesitantly.

“I know, what you are hesitant about Harry! Minister ordered that only I should go there alone. If you are willing to take these precautions, I will take you with me as well. You have to run, if I ask you to run. OK!”

For a moment Harry had a feeling of dejavu.

Moody sounded like a Dumbledore to Harry, he still remember what Dumbledore has said before they left Hogwarts on that night.

“Professor, one more question?”

“What Harry?” replied moody.

“Where are we going tonight, I mean is it a forest or cave, is it far from this place?” questioned Harry

“I guess, you must have seen that place earlier, you will know when you reach there, get ready” replied moody and started preparing his dinner.

Harry said yes to all Moody’s conditions and picked up his wand and broom stick and prepared for his venture.

After they had their lunch, they came outside the Grimmauld place and headed in the north direction.

“Harry has no clue about the place moody was talking about, he hasn’t seen many places except Hogwarts/privet drive/diagon alley.”

After completing their dinner, both left Grimmauld place and started flying.

While Harry was very much comfortable with the broom stick, moody was some how not comfortable and seemed too tired on the broom stick.

After traveling for an hour they landed in a small forest adjoining a village. There was a small hill at the other end of the village.

Moody pointed his hand at the hill

“There it is. This is the hill, the minister mentioned about. We need to go by walk, no broom sticks. Leave yours here,

we will collect when we go back.” said moody and started walking towards the village.

Harry did not pay attention to what moody has said as he was too busy checking his condition of his broom stick.

“But professor, if it is this far away, it’s better to use a portkey right?” Harry questioned moody while following him.

“Security boy, portkey routes can be tracked easily, so it is highly probable that voldemort monitor this route particularly. Also, he might have made some arrangements to tackle people who fly over the hill.”

“Hill!!!!” Harry now saw what moody was mentioning earlier.

It is a hill. Harry felt Dejavu again.

He saw the hill earlier,

“No, It can’t be the same one!!” Harry said in a low voice.

“Harry, it’s the same once, It’s the riddle house” continued Moody.

“If I heard it correctly from Dumbledore, you were here during your fourth year, the tri wizard tournament. Voldemort was reborn here.

If the information told of some other place, ministry would have ignored, but it said Riddle House is the place where the horcrux is.” said moody.

Harry noticed that they were already out of the forest and heading towards the hill,

The village was deserted in the middle of the night.

“But, professor, that can be just meant for misleading us, i mean...why will voldemort will keep horcrux at such a obvious place.

It will be easily traceable by the ministry right?” questioned Harry with a concerned look.

“Harry, voldemort would never have thought that ministry will know about his horcruces, he would not have paid much attention to the place, where he is putting it.

It’s still note sure whether there will be a horcrux in the house, Ministry wants to find out whether this information is correct or not, Do you know what happened in the ministry after this letter came, half of the aurors expressed their unwillingness to take up the task, So minister came to visit me in the hospital, and saw you there, he waited till you left and asked me to take up the task, he questioned me why you are there?

But I didn’t say anything to him and alerted Arthur after he left the place.”

“That’s how ministry tracked you” concluded moody

Harry looked blankly at moody while walking on his left side.

“Professor, can I ask one more doubt?” said Harry

“Yes, what is that?” replied moody

“Who is sending this information about horcruces to Ministry? Is he a ministry agent among the death eaters or a former death eater who wants to help the ministry?” asked Harry now looking in to eyes of moody

Moody stopped for a moment and started walking again.

“Even I was not sure who was doing that, minister was saying he was receiving letters from some unknown person, I am sure it can’t be some ministry appointed wizard because, voldemort can easily find out, he is damn good at legilemen spell, I heard it’s very difficult to lie to him. So even if some one have got the idea of acting as a traitor, voldemort would have found about that and kill him” said moody

“Do you have any guesses?” questioned Harry

“Well, Arthur Weasely believes that it’s Dumbledore who is guiding the minister from the

portrait. But I am not sure about that because a portrait can only give out the information to the current head master but not for others. But I surely bet that the minister is using the Pensieve in the Hogwarts head masters office where Dumbledore used to stored all his memories and a couple of aurors to search for horcruces.” said moody

Harry thoughts were paused for a moment,

“Yes, Moody’s guess might be correct, this is the source of information might be, Dumbledore updating his Pensieve regularly.

But was sure that minister will not have known about the last place which Dumbledore and he visited before Dumbledore died, because the Pensieve was not updated. This left an another open question to him, then how did minister knew that Riddle house is the place, might be the case that Dumbledore know and did not tell me.” suddenly Harry turned to moody and said

“But, Hogwarts was under siege. Nobody can enter right now, if minister can enter it, he must have sent wizards to protect Hogwarts from inside, right?”

“It’s true that Hogwarts is under a siege now, but all Dumbledore stuff is moved out of Hogwarts shortly after his funeral to the WIZARD HALL OF FAME as a sign of respect and regarding portraits how one can move in and out, So the rumor of Dumbledore helping Rufus is still a valid one.” said moody without looking at Harry

They slowly walked through the deserted streets of the village, and Harry was completely lost in thought of whether there is a horcrux inside that house or not.

Dumbledore once said that, He found a horcrux at his mother’s house. Even it was obvious place for people who know little about voldemort’s history. So, there are chances of finding a horcrux at this place. He told him self.

The clunk sound of Moody’s leg echoed through the empty streets of the village, which are filled with moon light.

They came across one or two muggles who are too busy to notice the pair.

After half-an-hour, Harry and moody were at the foot of the small hill, and there is no sign of muggle activity around.

After Frank Bryce disappeared 3 years ago, no body from the village dared to go on top of the hill.

In the full moon light, the Riddle House looked more ghostly than ever.

They started climbing the hill slowly. Moody kept a silencing charm on his wooden foot to silence the clunk sound, which may alert any creatures around.

“They walked towards the house, slowly and carefully.

Moody took out his wand and started chanting all weird spells, Harry knew what moody was doing, he is searching for any magical traps.

But, moody does not know what Harry was doing, Harry was also doing almost the same with his hidden wand and non-verbal spells.

They almost climbed for 15 minutes, not that they the hill is high, but both are extra cautious.

They could not find a trace at all, in fact, for a moment moody doubted whether that house was a riddle house or not?

“Harry can you identify whether this is a riddle house or not?” said

“Professor, I can’t identify this house, but the grave yard which was there was definitely where the Voldemort father was buried.” Harry pointed out at the grave yard which was visible from the hill.

He still remember the place, that is haunting him for more than 2 years, he wanted revenge for what happened that night, voldemort let his servant kill an innocent cedric, his blood started boiling..

“For Heaven’s sake control your self, you got to do a lot of work for your revenge” an internal voice alerted Harry.

He could not figure out who said that to himself.

Now they reached top of the hill and crossed the fence of the small creaky house which was the servant’s overlooking the manor on the hill.

In the moon light, the two houses resembled a mini ghost standing in front of a big ghost.

“Harry you go from the right side,

I will take left side,

We need to enter the house from front side

You wait outside,

I will go inside

Is that OK!” said moody in a low voice.

Harry felt amazed for a moment. He never knew that moody was damn good at framing Rhyming Instructions (not poems of course).

Harry followed the instructions perfectly, circled the house and crouched behind a small wooden box which was kept just beside the main door, the box looked like a stand filled with old shoes and wooden plank which appeared to a name plate had a name etched on it. “FRANK BYCE” it was etched as if an unskilled carpenter carved that name.

The name evoked a lot of memories in him, he remember Dumbledore telling about a missing muggle and the day a old man came from voldemort’s wand during priori incantetum. So it’s frank’s house.

Moody was busy examining each and every object of the house and Harry has a lot of time to kill.

Harry kept stared at house on the hill for any sign of movement. An idea flashed inside Harry’s mind, let me try out this spell, it is not that powerful and might be useful. Worst case it won’t hurt anybody.

Harry used a special spell under the thought-transfer method called anonymous-thought-transference in which a wizard can send a message to anyone around him.

Harry closed his eyes and was sending the message at very weak strength, just to make sure he wont disturb muggles around or moody

“It can’t be” Harry could not believe the way the spell is working out.

He was sure another wizard (or wizards) was receiving it, the exact number which he was not sure.

“There is moody around, is he the once receiving the message or some one else. Gupta mentioned that Order members also used the same technique to send and receive messages. But is there any possibility that any other wizard was around.

Am I doing it properly?”

Harry was saying to himself, and the main door of the house which he was guarding swung open.

Moody came out of the house and closed the door immediately and crouched on his uneven leg, with out making any noise.

“Harry, nothing is in there, we need to check the main house as well. Let’s go.” said moody and dragged Harry in to the garden.

They climbed the hill slowly in the shadows of the trees which resembled pale ghosts in the moon light.

After they reached the top of the hill, both entered the house from the back yard door.

It was dark inside not as dark as Harry thought because the moon light managed to enter the house from the shattered windows.

The wooden floor was filled with dirt. Harry and moody slowly started moving towards the living room, with moody still trying to search for any magical traces around.

As they continued walking they saw a huge room which Harry believed must be a dining room with patches of moon light spreading across the room with a big table in the middle. Harry sensed something went wrong, they should not be here.

Even before Harry could digest this premonition, Moody’s wand flown out of his hand and a jet of blinding green light from no where hit moody directly.

Harry was motion less for a moment, he watched moody fell on the ground.

His instincts warned him, there is an attacker around. Harry was hesitating to check Moody’s conditions, because his worst fear came true, another wizard who tried to help him was hit by a curse.

He wished the spell is some stunning rather than killing one.

Another jet of light came towards Harry, Harry’s body responded quicker than his mind, his body was out of the path of the light and the curse hit the wall beside him.

Harry does not know what to do, he was not sure whether the attacker is a real wizard or not.

He bent low to check whether moody was alright or not. Harry felt a sense of relief after seeing moody,

He has just been disarmed and stunned at lighting speed. He is alive.

The moment Harry said this to him self, another jet of light came from one of the corners of the room, but this time it was wrongly directed and hit the wooden chair leaned to the wall behind Harry, the chair was blasted in to pieces.

Harry became alert and fired stunning spells in all directions, but it seemed that none of them hit the attacker at all.

“Why don’t you fight face-to-face?” Harry said to the empty room.

Harry was actually afraid. At most he can tackle a death eater, but not voldemort that too with out Moody’s help.

He has to instigate the attacker, so that he will come out his hiding only then he has better chances of assessing and fighting him.

Harry’s voice echoed across the room, he has no reply. This time the attacker used a verbal spell, Harry heard him saying


“Protego!” said Harry instantly and blocked the spell. It seemed that the invisible attacker was desperate to disarm Harry rather than kill him.

“It’s not exciting to fight in dark Harry, Is It?” a soft voice echoed across the big room.

“Incendio!” said the same voice, and every lamp in the room was lit. The room was bigger than Harry has imagined. It has big wooden boxes and portraits lined up against the wall with a big table in center.

There was a hooded man standing at the other end of the room standing just beside the table with his wand pointed towards Harry.

He shot another spell at Harry and Harry’s wand is gone. He is disarmed now.

“You seem to fight better when it is dark” This time the voice is clear, he knows the voice very well, the voice he hated from day one at Hogwarts.

The hooded man removed his mask, he is pale with pointed nose, and He is Severus Snape.

“You!!” said Harry and tried to pick his wand, but of no use. Snape shot another spell and his wand went directly into Snape’s hands.

“Perhaps, you should have used your second wand first, Harry! They won’t be useful now” said Snape and raised his wand.

Harry’s both hands were held tight and can’t move them at all.

The worst part is, Snape knows about my hidden wand, how did he know about that, now his wand is gone, he can’t use the hidden wand because of the protective spell around his hand, moody was stunned, only option left is Talk as much as you can,

Talk to Snape, Snape would have killed him before stunning moody, but he did not do that, instead disarmed me, he wants to say something to me. Let him say. Harry told to himself.

“You traitor, you killed Dumbledore” shouted Harry, but Snape did not reply

The moment Harry said this, Harry felt the surroundings around him getting dimmer, his memories were played like a movie before him, the way moody and he came to riddle house.

Some body from inside his mind knocked and said,

“Idiot, he is reading your mind, don’t stop him, deviate him, NOW!”

Harry realized Snape was doing a legilem.

He started his magic, which requires a lot of concatenation and no wand.

Instead of blocking Snape from seeing his memories, Harry presented a completely different set of memories which are manipulated.

After few seconds, the room became brighter and more conspicuous to Harry.

“Interesting, The Harry I know was a dumb wizard who has little resistance to Legilem, but look at you, you are trying to deviate me instead of blocking it, in a MOST crude manner. Should I assume that you have a hand in attack of Bellatrix Lestrange.

Should I offer you tips on occulemency and memory charms Harry!” said Snape with an awkward artificial smile.

Harry was surprised to know, how Snape figured out that he was involved in the attack on Bellatrix. He erased the memories of bellatrix.

“I don’t need your lessons.” bluntly said Harry as if he did not pay any attention to Snape’s guess about bellatrix

“Yeah, even if you require they won’t be of any use, because you have only few minutes left” said Snape raising his wand high

“You coward, you killed Dumbledore when he is disarmed, Let me fight! I will show you what pain and death means” shouted Harry at Snape with the invisible force still holding his hands.

He sounded like Bellatrix Lestrange.

Snape started laughing hysterically and his mad laugh echoed across the dining room.

“Killing Dumbledore, when he is disarmed!!” Snape started laughing again.

“Dumbledore wanted to fake his death Harry, to fight Voldemort and you know whom he approached!. ME! He trusted ME,

Poor muggle-loving old man. After you both returned to astronomical tower from your fake horcrux hunting, Dumbledore wanted me to pretend as if I am killing him before other death eaters and win trust of Voldemort.

But, you know Harry, I did not give a chance to him to fake, I KILLED HIM FOREVER!” said Snape in a high voice and started laughing again, this time he laugh sounded more cruel.

Harry did not believe what he was saying, Dumbledore trusted Snape so much that he even planned a crucial step of faking

his death with him.

“Every one thinks, Dumbledore is a great wizard, but no-body realized that he was fooled by me,

After the fall of voldemort, I approached him saying I need shelter and pretend to regret what I did, and poor Albus, he used all known techniques of occulemency to figure out whether I was truthful or not, he even used veritaserum, but he does not know that I took a counter potion for veritaserum, long back. So he obviously thought what I said is true.”

Snape stopped abruptly and looked at a wooden trunk at the corner of the room, He turned to Harry again and said,

“Regarding Fair deal, I will give you chance to fight with a wand, not with me, but with a special guest of mine for tonight.” said Snape and moved his wand slowly towards the corner of the room.

Harry did not pay attention to what Snape was trying to do.

“…and You are here to protect your master’s horcrux, Ministry knows voldemort had horcruces and they will be here any time,

Hope your luck won’t run out, before you finish me” shouted Harry, trying to instigate Snape.

“One last warning Harry, I Severus Snape, don’t have any Master, don’t follow anybody. If you don’t listen to this, i will not keep my promise of the extra life time I granted to you.” shouted Snape, now grinding his teeth.

I got it, Snape is loosing his control now, poke him as much as I can. Harry encouraged himself and continued talking.

“But, you were like voldemort’s favorite pet dog right, his favorite death eater, following his every command, you even dared killing the wizards your master feared most, and now you say that you are not follower. Oh!! Is this a new plot to cheat me or moody

Your master is gone for ever, Dumbledore is guiding the minister from his portrait, voldemort horcruces will be hunted down and your immortal master will be killed by aurors.” said Harry this time laughing loudly, hoping that this will anger Snape and make him loose his composure.

“Shut UP!” barked Snape turning to Harry

“Dumbledore was useless, when he was alive, what is the point in taking his help when he sleeps in a portrait. Regarding horcruces, it was me who told both the ministry and Dumbledore about Voldemort’s Horcruces. Dumbledore just provided the evidence for it.

I think Albus don’t have a habit of acknowledging the source of information. Don’t be so surprised, you will know why I did all these things, before we run out of time, lets do some action” said Snape and blasted away the door of a wooden box at the corner of the room.

“My Dear Tom Marvolo Riddle, come out. Look who is here to visit you tonight!” said Snape as if he is inviting some one.

Harry was thunder stuck after hearing that, Snape told the ministry about horcruces and he is calling out voldemort to come out, He imagined how moody will react after learning that It’s not Horcrux but voldemort himself is there at Riddle house.

He wished to have his wand back more than ever in his life time.

A thin man came out of the wooden box. he looked very weak, hardly has strength to walk and stumbled.

He recognized his face immediately, he is lord voldemort, His skull like face is more paler, his eyes were not glowing as he has seen years back, showing little sign of life. Voldemort suddenly stopped walking and stared at Snape blankly.

“Look Harry, who is standing before us, The Man...” Snape paused for a moment “Sorry, This creature which called itself the greatest dark wizard of all time, when he don’t have the will power to fight Imperious Curse properly.” said Snape and laughed again.

Harry had seen too much to believe for tonight. 

What is Snape thinking he is doing? Apparently, he did too many things, know too many things, He killed Dumbledore, He knows about horcruces, he told the ministry about that.

Now, he kept his master, voldemort under imperious curse.

“And Harry...” said Snape interrupting him again.

“Here is your wand and you will duel with this creature which calls itself lord voldemort and you are going to show me the phenomenon called PRIORI INCANTETUM” said Snape and thrown Harry’s wand at this feet.

The invisible hand spell is still present, so Harry just blankly stared at the wand which was near his feet.

“I am not dueling” said the weak cold voice of Voldemort.

“Crucio!” shouted Snape pointing his wand at voldemort.

Lord Voldemort who was already weak, fell to the ground and started shrieking and writhing in pain, his cry sounded like old women shouting of pain.

“Now, Tom, will you do?” said Snape, and lifted of the curse.

Voldemort shook his head as a sign of acceptance and stood up. he got up as if he is getting out of water after he swam a lot.

Snape lifted the spell which kept Harry’s hand tightly, Harry was delighted for a moment, he is free, he has his wand back. Now he can fight.

“Don’t even think of attacking me, Mr. Harry Potter. They will have their consequences. I mean, I have another guest and I am sure, you will be delighted to meet her.” said Snape and blasted away the door of a wooden wardrobe, and Harry could not believe what he has seen inside.

It was Hermione tied with ropes and unconscious inside the wardrobe.

“Do you think I am going to believe all these magical tricks Severus? You can’t fool me as you have fooled Dumbledore, I never believed you” questioned Harry, gathering some courage.

“Hermione is in Hogwarts and Hogwarts which is fully protected from inside. No death eater has entered the premises …. and as per lord voldemort, he is the darkest wizard the world has ever seen, and you want me to believe that, a ordinary school teacher at held lord voldemort as captive” said Harry supporting his argument.

Harry was a bit relaxed now. It was only Snape present before him, and no voldemort, no Hermione.

Snape did not respond for a moment, from his convulsions on his face, Harry could say he is very much angry then ever.

“Look at him Harry Potter, You both has the similar characteristics, not paying attention to the small details.

Voldemort went on creating Horcruces with out noticing the side effects of it. He no longer have a pure and strong soul, His one is shattered, maligned, morphed beyond recognition, lost the integrity of the soul and so his power to fight the imperious curse. He stands before me as a weakling. Regarding students at Hogwarts Nobody from outside can enter Hogwarts, BUT no spell stops students from entering and leaving the dark forest. I kidnapped Ms. Granger when she was having a nice moon walk in the dark forest. There is a coincidence here potter, she was in the dark forest on the same night you had an encounter with Bellatrix, Interesting Isn’t it?

Harry, don’t waste my time, you get on to the table or i will finish Ms. Granger and she will be the new entry to the list of people who died because of the foolishness of the Famous Harry Potter.” Snape said bluntly and continued his mad laugh again.

“They how did you know that we are coming here, Even if you know that we are coming here, how did you bring Hermione and voldemort here?” said Harry apparently happy that he still have reasons to prove Snape was doing some trick.

“You came here, because i have sent the message to the ministry about the location of horcrux, Also!! I know that it’s not just moody but you will also join him because, he was the only person who is in contact with you during your short stint in India. The moment you came to London you started hunting for death eaters, apparently bellatrix and Rodolphus who are in the news caught your attention and you forgot to erase the memory of bellatrix which has evidence for your induced dream...” he paused and took a deep breath and continued

“So, It’s a trap Harry, during the day, when crabbe told me that you were captured by the ministry, I feared my plan will fail, but you somehow escaped and you are here.

Regarding voldemort, this fool came here searching whether his horcrux is safe or not, which is the last piece of his soul, and did not know that I destroyed it ages ago. He was afraid about the news that ministry came to know about his horcruces and started reviving each horcrux in to a living voldemort, but he succeeded only once, and that voldemort died in my hands. In fact, all his horcruces are destroyed and the piece of soul which stands before you is the last piece of surviving voldemort.

Harry, do you need more explanations or shall I....” said Snape and pointed his wand towards Hermione.

Voldemort gave a look filled with horror and shock after hearing all Snape had explained,

But both Snape and Harry ignored him.

“No!! No!! Please don’t harm Hermione! I will duel!” said Harry in a surrendering tone.

“But why are you doing all these? Voldemort is your master. You had been his follower for so many years, why are you doing this now, you will be a hero if wizard world knows that you killed voldemort?” asked Harry, but this time not to enrage Snape.

“Ah! First time you make me believe that you have got a brain which will ask rational questions, you will get answers to these questions before you die, and this dueling is just for fun. Enough of argument and time for some action. Now, start the show.” said Snape and sat in a chair which is almost near the middle of the table.


With no further thought, Harry picked up his wand, and stood on the table immediately.

What Snape said in case of Hermione might be true, Neville has not taken enough care while he came in to the forest, and Hermione might have followed him and was caught by Snape.

His legs were trembling with fear, He was not worried about himself, but he desperately wanted some body to come and save Hermione. In case of voldemort’s version of Snape Harry wished what ever Snape said is true that all the horcruces were destroyed.

Both Harry and voldemort got on to the table and were in perfect position to duel.

Harry took a look around to weigh his chances, His best friend and professor moody were unconscious, and killer of Hogwarts headmaster and the killer of his parents are in front of him. (with Snape controlling voldemort under imperious curse).

While Harry was working on his chances of survival, his eyes saw a jet of green light coming towards him, Harry’s body was quick enough to move out of the path of the light and the curse hit the wall behind.

He congratulated himself for the perfect move, but another jet of pink light hit Harry straight in his chest, which knocked him of his feet. Harry hit the wall hard and landed on the floor as an aircraft with no brakes and fuel.

The spell was powerful that Harry could hardly breath after the fall, it was not a killing curse and he knows he is still alive.

“Wonderful, Tom! Harry Come On!, I arranged this dueling to see the Incantetum phenomenon, you are not showing any defense at all, just dodging” shouted Snape as if he is watching a funny TV show.

Harry managed to stand up and climbed on to the table again, his clothes filled up with dust,

“Avada Kedavara!” both shouted almost at the same time, who was first was hard to figure out, and then Harry don’t know what happened later, but he heard the phoenix song again. He still remembers every moment of it though it happened 3 years ago.

The jet light from both the wands met in mid air and soon got replaced by the golden thread that connected the wands,

The golden dome appeared from no where and was filled with phoenix song.

The golden beads appeared along the thread.

Harry knows what to do, JUST CONCENTRATE and force all the beads in the direction of voldemort’s wand.

He did the same with out any other thoughts,

Snape who was outside the dome, was fascinated to see what went on. He looked like a child devouring his favorite ice cream.

Harry did not have to concentrate real hard to move the golden beads towards voldemort’s wand, But the wand of both Harry and voldemort were shaking real bad, Harry felt as if the wand is flying out of his hand.

It was voldemort’s turn to panic now, because the beads slowly entered his wand and screams of pain are echoing across the web.

Harry wished he will see his parents again.

But, something different happened, After all the beads entered voldemort’s wand, Voldemort’s wand exploded with fire, the explosion was so powerful that it knocked

voldemort away from the table and he rolled in air like a boomerang and flied straight towards the big wall clock standing like a withered tree. The Dome, the thread everything gone, and place was filled with fires. The house made a creaky noise as if the very foundation of the house was removed at once.

Harry could see the big clock crashing to the floor on top of voldemort who looked like a bunch of robes.

Amid this noise, Harry heard Snape clapping.

“Excellent Harry, excellent demonstration....” said Snape while still clapping.

Demonstration, I was fighting for my life here and you are taking it as a demo of some phenomenon.

“Even if he has defeated you, I would have seen his end.” said Snape

Harry did not think too much about voldemort, he just pointed his wand towards Snape and fired a disarming spell, Snape deflected it easily, (showing that he is attentive even while clapping) and shouted “Crucio!!”

Harry couldn’t feel any difference. he is not having pain any more. He felt as if he developed immunity for cruciating curse. But he heard some one shouting, a female voice...

Snape was torturing Hermione rather than Harry

“No Please! don’t hurt her, I was stupid to try that!” pleaded Harry.

“Hah! Double surprise for me this night, the newly discovered rational brain of Harry was polite enough to say sorry to the professor you most hated!” said Snape and lifted the curse,

Harry saw Hermione awake and alive. he was comforted for a moment. She was panting and moaning with pain created by the curse.

Harry immediately felt pain in his nerves, his body convoluted with pain as if being run over by trains again and again.

“Let it stop, kill me” he shouted, but the voice did not come out of his mouth.

Hermione understood what she was looking at, Harry who was missing from 4 months was there lying on the ground of an old house, with the murderer of Hogwarts head master torturing him.

“Stop!!” she shouted loudly, to attract attention if somebody else is around the house.

After a minute or so, Snape lifted the curse on Harry.

“Harry!! Are you OK?? Talk to me?” Hermione said loudly to Harry

“I have not killed him, Ms. Granger, only having little practice” bluntly said Snape and sat in an armchair.

The one-minute cruciating curse sapped all the energy out of Harry, and he could not stand on his legs properly, his whole body aching.

“Now, Face me! You are armed unlike Albus Dumbledore, fight me like a man, and DIE!” shouted Snape


Hermione started screaming again, Harry knows he has no time to think, he has to face Snape or else he will torture Hermione for ever. He don’t want to loose another friend because of his laxity.

He mustered all his energy, his heart pounding heard, his blood boiling, his eyes red, grip on wand tight, Harry stood up (play some background music for yourself to get the special effect).

Hermione stopped screaming as Snape lifted the curse on her. She was weaker and paler then ever, does not have enough strength to speak a word. She kept looking at Harry with an emotionless look.

“That’s good. That’s what I call James potter spirit.” said Snape turning towards Harry.

Harry shot a stunning spell towards Snape and it was deflected by Snape as soon as it was fired.

“No Harry, that’s not manners, we are not yet started dueling, and you shall wait, otherwise Hermione will meet Albus” concluded Snape

“What do you want?? Kill Me and let her GO!” shouted Harry loosing his control.

“Don’t you remember Your little good question of yours?”

“Why you are doing these??” said Snape in a mocking voice.

“Before you die, you will die learning a secret, no wizard could not extract from me with all the charms and methods available. The reason why I destroyed voldemort, the reason why I betrayed Dumbledore and the reason why I am going to kill YOU!!

You must know what you are dying for Harry!”

“It’s Fame Game Harry, just Fame Game!”

“I wanted to become the Most Powerful Wizard, When I entered Hogwarts, it was Voldemort who was the Most Powerful wizard, More famous for his cruelty and alacrity. Albus Dumbledore was more famous because, Voldemort was afraid of him. So, the equation is simple, If i kill both of them, I will be treated as the MOST POWERFUL WIZARD” Snape shouted as if he is addressing Hogwarts feast.

“So, i joined the death eaters to kill Voldemort, Voldemort could not find out my intentions at any point of time,

I deceived him very well, through ought my stay with him, During the time I was planning his murder, the prophecy came between and Voldemort knew that prophecy has been told and he knows I know the contents.

I told him what ever I over heard and he asked me to come along to the address peter gave us.”

“And then You helped voldemort killed my Mom and Dad...” interrupted Harry, his face was livid now with the way Snape was enjoying telling how his parents died.

“Exactly, you are right. But one more thing you don’t know, I sensed some thing went wrong with the murder of your mother, she invoked a magic before she died, Voldemort ignored the signs and was busy preparing horcrux out of your death.

I intentionally did not warn Voldemort, because I want to see what is going to happen. Of course, I was also puzzled a bit by knowing that Voldemort has horcruces. But, when he tried to kill you, your mother’s lingering protection worked and the curse rebound at voldemort and you know what happened after that...” said Snape now turning towards Harry.

“Do you now understand why I am telling all these to you Harry??” questioned Snape as if it was his classroom.

“NO!” said Harry simply, he was not paying much attention to what Snape was saying and waiting for Snape’s wand to move away from Hermione, so that he can attack.

“Because, it was you, who changed my equation, The world believed that it was you who vanquished Lord Voldemort, and You became their new celebrity, Moreover I was worried that voldemort might have created more than Horcrux and safe guarded them.

I had no idea about the nature of a horcrux at that time, for that information regarding that is not available outside freely except at HOGWARTS. So, I immediately went to Dumbledore and said what has happened. He examined me for a while and trusted me, no wonder that he was fooled by me. He believed that i was a changed man.”

“Horcrux is the main reason why I joined Hogwarts, It took almost 8 years to study horcrux and their side effects from the restricted section of Hogwarts with out creating any suspicion.”

Harry could not believe what Snape was talking about, Snape did all these murders and sabotage just that he wish to be called as the famous wizard of all time.

“And, once you arrived at Hogwarts, you became as famous as voldemort, every one thought dark lord was gone, nobody knows that he is alive in the form of horcrux, and any time one of his followers will come and revive him.

I was totally not sure what to do, when I came to know that voldemort tried to steal sorcerer’s stone. That means that he is alive and active. For 5 years I was direction less on what to do? I have to kill a total of 3 people to achieve my dream.

You, Voldemort and Dumbledore.

Only 6 moths back Dumbledore showed me the direction. He told me his idea of faking his death. So I immediately prepared a plan to kill Dumbledore for real and go back to Voldemort and betray him later.

And you know what happened after that??” said Snape with a That’s-all-about look.

“And you became very famous for killing the most powerful wizard and succeeded in achieving your goal!” Harry snapped.

Of course, he can’t do anything apart from talking because Snape is still pointing his wand towards Hermione.

“Not Yet Harry, I still have 2 left! You and Voldemort, I don’t want to mess with prophecy so I kept the old rag for you,

Here you see voldemort is gone and only you are left! This day when you both are finished, I will be the MOST POWERFUL WIZARD of the wizard world” said Snape and started laughing again.

Harry thought he went mad for a moment.

After hearing the entire story, a brilliant idea stuck Harry potter. He can scare Snape with that and leave the place with moody and Hermione.

“Ah! Severus Snape, don’t you think you share similar nature as your masters!” said Harry

“How dare you talk like that?” replied Snape angrily.

“Your master ignored my mother’s protection and met a horrible fate. You are going to meet a similar fate, if you try to kill me, At lest I am OK with having another scar on my face and leave this place my friends” said Harry and this time it was Harry who was laughing.

“Good point Harry, do you think that I ignored that, I have this doubt, till yesterday, but not now. Do you know why? Your mother’s magic will protect you, till you are a kid. By kid I don’t mean by age But by the pureness of your heart. Apparently you did ultimate cruel act of torturing Bellatrix lestrange which maligned your heart with hatred, The moment you tortured bellatrix your mother’s protection left you. Is that sufficient, Harry” softly said Snape as if clearing a doubt in potions class to his favorite slytherin student.

“Lets Duel Harry! and you can meet your parents and respected head master!” said Snape and moved on to the table.

Harry was finally relaxed. Snape moved away his wand from Hermione.

Harry also jumped to the table with his wand pointing at Snape.

Harry did not wait for a moment and cried


Snape did not move at all, he just flicked his wand and deflected the spell towards a big portrait which blasted in to pieces.

Harry followed the wake of the spell and turned to Snape again.

“Oh!! pretty powerful! But not fast enough! How is this?” said Snape and muttered a spell, which Harry could not recognize

He bent his body to move away from the path of the light, but another jet of bright white light followed it quickly and hit Harry hard in the forehead. The spell was so powerful that Harry became numb for a while, lost his wand and fell to the ground.

“Harry! Harry! Wake up, You OK!!” shouted Hermione, but she does not know that Harry was not in a state to hear anything now.

“Ms. Granger, will you shut up. it’s not killing curse! The next time he stands up, I will finish him OK! Later you can cry leisurely over his dead body.”

“Harry!!.....” cried Hermione ignoring Snape.

Harry potter mustered strength and stood up again, his body became weak and he started feeling dizziness.

You have to fight. the man who stood before you is the reason why you don’t have your parents, You must fight. Harry told himself, and fetched his wand.

He jumped on to the table again and faced Snape.

“Well done, I thought you will lie there for another hour. You regained control fast.”

Harry in a hurry shot another stunning spell at Snape, as usual Snape deflected it and cried


This hit Harry straight and his wand is gone. It was right in the hand of Snape.

He is face to face with Snape with no wand

“Goodbye, Mr. Harry Potter!”

“Avada Kedavara!!” cried Snape

“Harry!!” shouted Hermione.

The jet of green light emitted from snipe’s wand was supposed to hit Harry in the right chest. In an attempt to escape from the curse Harry moved right, which was the wrong direction, and the curse hit Harry straight at heart.

Hermione could not believe what she has just seen, “Harry” a whisper left her mouth.

Harry potter’s dead body fell on the ground making a gentle thud.

Snape was motionless for a moment jumped to the ground, snapped Harry’s wand in to pieces and turned to Hermione who was still looking at Harry’s body like a mad girl with an expression less face.

Snape paused for a second “Ms. Granger, It’s time that I now leave, and time that you meet your friend. Good Bye!” said Snape and cried “Avada Kedavara!”

For a split second, Snape heard a noise as if some thing has exploded and the place was filled with dust, He did not understand what has happened, but he understood that curse did not hit Hermione at all, some object came between the path of the curse and Hermione. He became alert instantly. He knew moody was still alive, He turned towards moody, but moody was still lying on the floor motionless.

“Then, who did it?”

The moment he said this to himself, a jet of blinding white light out of no where hit him straight.

Snape lost his wand, he lost control and fell to the ground and saw what he could not believe is real. He could bet his life to say this is not TRUE.

He saw Harry Potter standing on the very table where he was hit by the killing curse.

Hermione became worse after she saw this, Harry potter became ghost as Moaning Myrtle.

“How could this be? This cant happen, you are dead? Killing curse hit you, I saw that. You are a ghost!!” cried Snape still not believing what is happening.

“I am Not a Ghost” said Harry.

“Severus, perhaps you should have followed the rule which you have taught me just now!

Paying attention to small things.” said Harry with a mocking voice.

“Let me retell your lessons, First, You should check whether your victim is dead or not!

Second, never forget that I have another wand with me” roared Harry and waved his hand in the air, as if directing some one to come forward from his back.

A small wooden arm chair started flying towards Snape and stopped just above him.

When Harry lifted of the spell, the chair dropped dead on Snape with a bang.

Snape started bleeding heavily when the chair hit his head, but he was still conscious, and was in a state of shock on how Harry has survived.

“How could you do that?” asked Snape, he was in no mood of fighting, his wand is gone, and he is bleeding.

Harry put his hand inside his robes and took out what looked like a circular chocolate box and throwed it towards Snape.

The box when touched the ground cracked open and a big dead rat came out.

“You killed a RAT Snape! I don’t know advanced magic like you, but I know tricks” said Harry and kept both his palms facing Snape and muttered something which both Hermione and Snape did not understand.

A jet of blinding pink light came out of Harry’s wrists and hit Snape directly, the jet of light swooped Snape to the far end of the room and he came to halt after hitting the wall.

Severus was barely conscious.

Harry immediately turned to Hermione, untied her and walked towards moody.

Hermione was leaning against Harry looking at him as if she is looking at a stranger.

Hermione still could not believe that Harry survived that curse with the help of a rat.

“You are not ghost, right?” she whispered to Harry.

Harry potter smiled instantly and said “Very much Human!”

Harry fetched snipe’s wand by waving his hand and given it to Hermione, he also handed over broken wood piece to Hermione,

“Prepare a pot key to the ministry head quarters immediately, we are leaving this place!” ordered Harry and turned towards Snape with out looking at her face, she was a bit confused, there is Snape lying around and how can we leave this place. She did not want to think too much, so she started preparing the port key.

Harry conjured a light blue colored crystal ball and suspended it in the air. “Severus, this is for Albus Dumbledore” Harry shouted at Snape and came to Hermione back.

“What is that Harry? How did you do that?” questioned Hermione obviously interested in magic Harry did with out wands.

“That will take care of Voldemort and Snape, we need to leave this place before it becomes active. I will explain everything once we are at ministry Head quarters. Is port key ready?” said Harry trying to console Hermione.

“Yes, it is” said Hermione, she has seen enough for that day, the cruciating curse, and Harry escaping from the un-blockable killing curse with the help of a rat.

“Now!” Harry interrupted Hermione and asked her to hold the port key. Both held moody tightly.


They experienced a familiar jerk behind the navel, means pot key is working.

Seconds later, they landed before the reception in the main hall of the ministry head quarters.

The main hall was filled with wizards and witches who seems to be celebrating some event. Every one was loudly shouting and looked happy. At the corner of the room, there was a small dais erected and the minister of magic was standing there addressing the wizards.

“Dear ministry staff,

This is an achievement. I just received a message that all students were safely escorted out of Hogwarts. The only risk is that entire staff is locked in Hogwarts. Our main target is now the death eaters who were occupying the hogsmade and greenville. I hope all the remaining aurors will participate in this task actively.” Rufus concluded the speech and every one started clapping.

Harry hurried towards the dais grabbing the wand from Hermione pushing away who ever was in his path.

“Harry potter! It’s him” few wizards from the crowd murmured.

Harry came face to face with Rufus. Rufus was a bit puzzled, only hours before he has seen the message from his staff that he escaped from the special cell, but he is standing in front of him.

“Minister, take a look at this” Harry handed over Snape’s wand to him.

“This is the wand of Severus Snape, Dumbledore’s killer, He is at riddle house now, and he is unconscious. Also, you can find Voldemort’s dead body there, please hurry up, no time there, use a port key, send aurors NOW!” shouted Harry pointing

to the wooden stick which he used as a port key.

The minister saw Moody’s body and was stunned for a moment,

“Is he Alive? How did you know about the Riddle House?” questioned Rufus.

“Professor moody is alive, He took me to the riddle house, I will tell you what happened in detail, Voldemort is dead

Send aurors now! please.” pleaded Harry.

“Ok, i will trust you this time.” said Rufus and ordered five of his aurors to use the port key and go to the Riddle’s house.

Minister asked Harry, Hermione to stay in his office, and the aurors got back the bodies of Snape and voldemort.

Some of the ministry staff still could not believe that voldemort was captured.

When Harry and Hermione were sitting alone in his office, Hermione asked

“Harry what was the crystal ball hanging in air?”

“Shortly, It is crucuating ball, it curses Snape with pain, pain to such an extent that he becomes mad!” said Harry.

Hermione could not believe what Harry was talking about, “you cruciated Snape, what happened to you, When you became so cruel...” Hermione kept on asking the questions with a look of disbelief at Harry.

“He deserved it!” bluntly replied Harry.

At the same moment, the office door swung wide open and Rufus entered the room, another auror was muttering in his ear,

“Harry!” he bellowed.

“I want to know what has happened to, exactly as it is?” demanded Rufus.

Harry explained everything that has happened inside riddle house, Rufus listened to the entire story patiently.

“Harry, there is one thing you need to know, Voldemort is not dead?” said Rufus coolly.

“What?” cried Harry, but he was...he was...” spluttered Harry.

“Don’t worry, We caught him, he is not dead, but unconscious. This happened because, avada kedavara curse is not effective exactly as it is, it needs a bit of dark magic and practice, you don’t have both of them, so he just went unconscious.

To avoid further damage the justice council has ordered for a dementor kiss for voldemort with out any enquiry and Snape is still unconscious, I think he will face a trial.”

What followed later on was a trivia.

Voldemort always believed that death is worst, but he finally earned a kiss of dementor, which is worse than death. The justice council rejected prosecuting Snape because, he is mad and another bed was arranged for him besides the bellatrix couple.

Upon hearing the fall of their leaders, the giants fled to mountains far away and were wolves took shelter in dark forest.

Hogwarts was set free, and Ron’s fear that entire Hogwarts staff who taught Dark Arts will meet a tragic end that year

did not come true.

The remaining death eaters were captured by ministry aurors and were sent to Azkaban.

Hagrid searched the dark forest for almost 5 days and came out to hear that Hermione was rescued safely.

Harry joined Hogwarts back with a special permission from newly appointed Head master professor Minerva McGonagall.

That particular year went very fast for Harry and his friends, during the final feast results of their exam were announced and the entire batch cleared the exams.

When it came to future plans, Ron joined the muggle affairs department as an apprentice,

Hermione got a special invitation from the ministry to join their 2-year-auror-intensive course with stipend.

Where as in case of Neville, his application for auror course was rejected by ministry, but he got selected to the special batch of students who went to Nalanda Gurukul as a part of student exchange program between Britain and India.

When it came to Harry, he rejected all the offers the ministry made to him for the auror-course and joined the London Quidditch team as full time seeker.

Harry potter often recalled Dumbledore’s words “Love is the strongest weapon in the world and You need More Love to win against Love.”


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